Ireland's Electrical Issue 103 June-July


The brand architecture - reflecting values and vision Central to Prysmian Group’s rebranding strategy is the articulation of its core values and vision for the future. Through refreshed brand elements, including a new logo, typography and colour palette, the company seeks to convey its commitment to sustainability, innovation and excellence. The redesigned visual identity embodies Prysmian Group’s forward-looking spirit, symbolising its role as a trusted partner in building a sustainable and connected world. For Precision Cables, exclusive distributor of the Prysmian range in Ireland, this announcement has come as a welcome evolution. Emphasising the importance of this vision, Cathal Grace, Sales Director with Precision, said, “This is a very welcome and important direction from Prysmian as they are leading the way with a sustainability-focused strategy to support the global energy transition. “It allows us, as a company, to marry our own ambitions and strategies with our partner to affect a better future for our planet. Prysmian’s continual innovation in both product

performance and production will help with the challenges of this energy transition. “In a real-world sense, we already look forward to seeing the new eco-friendly packaging make its way to us in Q3 of 2024 and the new products down the line that will shape this global change.” Charting the course forward As Prysmian Group unveils its rebranding strategy, it signals not only a new chapter in its corporate journey but also a bold declaration of intent. By embracing evolution, consolidating its identity, reflecting its values and vision, engaging stakeholders and leveraging digital transformation, the company is charting a course toward a future of growth, resilience and impact. In the dynamic landscape of the energy and telecom industries, Prysmian Group’s rebranding sets the stage for continued success and relevance. As the world evolves, so too does Prysmian Group, poised to lead the charge in powering progress and connectivity for generations to come.

For more information on Prysmian’s range of cable solutions, contact Precision Cables: T: +353 (0)42 933 1436 - E: FOLLOW US ON:


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