King's Business - 1961-02


The Bible Institute Hon

550 kc. • K A K I

1330 kc. KCFA (Spokane) I 11:30 M TW TF


900 kc. • KIJEJf (W enatchee ) 10:30 MWF 980 kc.

• KUTI (Y ak im a ) 8:00 Sun. 1490 kc.

Throughout the West the Bible Institute Los Angeles has broadcast the Gospel raessa over a large number of stations for the past thr decades. Because certain adjustments have been nec sary, stations added where coverage has not be< sufficient, and Sunday releases scheduled for loca ties where it is impossible to secure weekday tim< this important radio map is published. Additional reprints of the map, or of copies our newest radio station log for distribution friends will be provided free upon request.

• KTEL (W a lla W a lla ) 8:00 MWF

800 kc. • KPDQ (P ortland ) 11:30 M TW TF 790 k c . • K W H (A lbanv ) 8:00 M TW TF 1110 kc. • KBXD (B end ) , 8:00 Sun.

630 kc KWBO (doqu illc-doos Bay ) 8:30 MWF 1350 kc. KBVd ( Ashland-Medford 1 8:00 MWF

500 T IMES A MONTH Each month more than 5( broadcasts of “ The Bible Institu Hour” are heard over the air. T1 purpose of this God-blessed mil istry is in winning souls to Chri building up saints in the fait and challenging Christians wi t h e importance of preparir Christ-dedicated young people t day to become the missionari and spiritual leaders of tomorrow Every investment helps the Gc pel to shine a little farther fro BIOLA . . . “ spiritual lighthou of the West.”

1150 kc. KAGO Klammath Falls) 9:00 Sun.

790 kc. KOAX (Eureka ) 8:00 Sun. 1400 kc

910 kc. & 94.1 me. KBGN (d a ld well-Boise, Idaho) 8:30 M TW TF

I KSDA ( Redding-Red Bluff) O O A i i u / r

8:30 MWF

990 kc. K l.llt (D enver) 8:30 Tues.-Thurs. 970 kc. KFEL (Pueb lo , d o lo .) 8:30 MWF

1290 kc. • KUSI. ( dhico-MarysvHÏe ) 8:30 Sun. a (F .M J I • KEBIt (Sacram ento) 10:00 MWF , 1570 kc. I • KCVR (Lodl-Sacramento-Stockton l 10:30 MWF ' 810 kc. \\ 93.7 me. KUO \

• WSFM (B irm ingham , A la .)

9:00 P.M. MWF



8:30 M TW TF

97.3 me.

San Francisco KE í %B


’ 0:30 M TW TF

1.70 kc

S ’ K ,n:MMWFn


Keeping the Gospel ON the a ir till Christ comes for us IN the a ir !

1390 kc. V • KT1JR (Tu rlock ) 8:30 MWF V


1130 kc

920 kc.


K tE C (San Luis Obispo)


(Fresno Binuba)

7:30 Sun.


9.30 MWF

v kc^

IU50 c^

910 kc 0 X 8 8:30 MWF I

• KO B (Oxnard-Yentura-Santa Barbara i *

) Bakersfie ld -W asc» (


9:30 M TW TF V


1490 kc.


BLA (I 9:00 MTWTF . KBLA LL .8 Angeles-Burbank) . £ £ £ % . . B e rn a rd ,io ) 8:30 Sat. and Sunday. f • .L o s Angeles

107.5 me. KBBI

8:30 M TW TF

1280 kc. • KHEP (Phoen ix ) 9:00 M TW TF

1390 k c .. KGEB (Los Angeles-Long Beach I i T W T E . 11:00 M T TF

LEGEND MWF— Monday, Wednesday, Friday MTWTF— Monday through Friday Sat.-Sun.— Saturday, Sunday kc.— Dial Location me.— Dial Location for FM

1430 kc. / • KAMP ( E l /den tro )

860 kc.

8:00 Sun.


• XEMO (Mexieo-San Diego) 8:00 MWF

1400 kc. • K T C d ( T u s r o n ) 8:30 Sun.

EVENINGS, TOO! KGO , 810 kc . M W F —from Canada to M ex ico

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Sponsor a native evangelist for $15.00 a month.

Build an orphanage in a heathen village for $175.00.

Build a native chapel in a heathen village for $125.00.

^,_World-Wide " * » Missions BOX 27, ALTADENA, CALIF.

Dr. Basil Miller Director Write for free gift book “Missionary Miracles”

T h e

B u s i n e s s

A publication of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Inc. Louis T. Talbot, Chancellor

S. H. Sutherland, President


Ray a . Myers, Chairman of the Board

FEBRUARY, in the year of our Saviour

Vol. 52, No. 2

Nineteen Hundred and Sixty-one

Established 1910

Dedicated to the spiritual development of the Christian home

/Wes IT CAN HAPPEN HERE — Calvin Herriott ..... ................................... 11 M Y MARRIAGE MISTAKE — Annonymous ............ .................... 12 VAC A TIO N FOR PARENTS — Edythe Hanna ...............................14 HIGH DIVER — Lome Hale ........................................................ ............. 16 I SEE GOD THROUGH A MICROSCOPE — Alicia C. Hoogasian” ” 17 TH E FA ITH OF NOAH — John Linton ............................................ 18 V ITA L V ITAM IN S FOR SUNDAY SCHOOL V IC TORY — Clate A . Risley ................................ 20 FULL ASSURANCE OF HOPE — Harry Ironside ................ 23 TH E CHURCH T H A T FA ITH BU ILT — Eugene Poole ..................... 24 SHOULD I FORCE M Y CHILD TO GO TO SUNDAY SCHOOL? __ J. Edgar Hoover ................................................................ 27 W H Y MINISTERS RESIGN — Annonymous ............................... 28 TH E AN TI-CHR IS T: An Exposition of II Thessalonians 2:1-12 — John A. Bitler .................................................................................... 33 DISCIPLINE BEGINS A T HOME — Paul R. Finlay ............... ~ 46 ANNIVERSARY OF TH E KING JAMES BIBLE — F. J. Wiens ...... 56 F m J u / im MESSAGE FROM TH E EDITOR — Samuel H. Sutherland ................ 6 UNDER TH E PARSONAGE ROOF — Althea Miller .......................... 8 DR. TALBO T'S QUESTION BOX — Louis T . Talbot ...................... 38 TA LK ING IT OVER — Clyde M. Narramore ........................... 40 PERSONAL EVANGELISM — Benjamin Weiss .................................... 41 BOOK REVIEWS — Arnold Ehlert ................................ ....................... 42 WORLD NEWSGRAMS — James O. Henry ......................................... 44 SCIENCE AND THE BIBLE — Bolton Davidheiser ......................... 45 TH E CHR ISTIAN HOME — Paul Bayles ................................. 49 JUNIOR KING'S BUSINESS — Martha S. Hooker ..................... 50 A LUM N I NEWS — Inez McGahey ................................................... 55 Cetatw READER REACTION ...................... ............................................................ 5 PEOPLE IN TH E NEWS ............................................................................ 9 NUGGETS OF GOLD ............................. ...................................................... 37 HOM ILETICAL HELPS ................................................................................. 39 TOW N AND CAMPUS NEWS ................................................................... 54 — All Rights Reserved —

A treasury of 527 of the best-loved hymns and Gospel songs of the church I Durable Morocco Binding; Gold Stamping •Opaque White Paper; Easy-to-read Type • Opens Easily— and Stays Open • 52 Choice Responsive Readings • Completely and Comprehensively Indexed • Available In Green, Blue, or Maroon. Morocco at $2.00 per copy (Quantity price to churches— $1.70 each.) Loose-leaf edition, $5.00; Leather pulpit edi­ tion, $12.50. Prices slightly higher in Canada. OUTSTANDING BECAUSE IT IS "BALANCED" MAIL TH IS COUPON T O D A Y Please send free copy of INSPIRING HYMNS to Authorized Church Committee: NAME___________________________________________ ADDRESS_____________________________________ __ CITY_______________________ STATE______________ CHURCH - ________________________________________ _ "A SlngsfiiraUon Hymn Book" KB-2 Z O N D E R V A N P U B L I S H I N G H O U S E GRAND RAPIDS 6. MICHIGAN I---------------------------------------------------------- 1 One of the saddest narratives on Convent Life ever written. No book like this in print! In "The Convent Horror" terrible facts taken from Official Records, reveal how beautiful Barbara Ubryk was locked in a small Nunnery Basement Dungeon twenty one years. The most terrible revelations ever recorded! Protestants awake! Order your copy of this amazing book to-day. Postpaid only $1.35. Edition limited. Gospel Books Dept. KB-2 Rowan, Iowa 4 "The Convent Horror" Story of Barbara Ubryk

S. H. SUTHER LAND: Editor A L SANDERS: Managing Editor

PA U L SCHWEPKER: Controller

JA N E M . CLARK: Circulation Manager

JERRY JENSEN: Production Manager EDITO R IAL BOARD Irene Boyd, Bolton Davidheiser, Arnold D. Ehlert, Charles L. Feinberg, James O. Henry Martha S. Hooker, Oran H. Smith, Gerald B. Stanton



SUBSCRIPTION IN FORM ATION — "The King's Business" is published monthly. U.S., its possessions, and Canada, $3.00, one year; $1.50 six months; 25 cents, single copy. Clubs of three or more at special rates. W rite for details. Foreign subscription 75 cents extra. It requires one month for a change of address to become effective. Please send both old and new addresses. R EM ITTANCES — Should be made by bank draft, express, or post office money order payable to "Th e King's Business."

ADVERTISING — for information address the Advertising Manager, The King's Business, 558 South Hope Street, Los Angeles 17, California. MANUSCRIPTS — "The King's Business" cannot accept responsibility for loss or damage to manuscripts mailed to us for consideration. Second-class postage paid at Los An­ ales, California. Printed in U.S.A. by hurch Press, Glendale, California. ADDRESS: The King's Business, 558 So. Hope St., Los Angeles 17, California. THE KING'S BUSINESS

reader reaction

LIBRARIAN WRITES I enjoy receiving THE KING’S BUSI­ NESS, and after I have read it from cover to cover I place it in our library here at Rockmont College. In my estimation there is no finer magazine. Mrs. Martha Von Koehe, Librarian, Rockmont Col­ lege, Longmont, Colorado. COMM EN T ON PREVIOUS LETTER Referring to “ Dislikes Regilious Issue” (READER REACTION, DECEMBER, 1960), this friend no doubt lives in the 20th century, but in regard to this matter, he is centuries behind the moon. If he is a man who really likes to know he should read, “ The Shadow of Rome,” by John B. Wilder. Wilhelm Dege, South Pasadena, California. FO R TY -N IN TH STA TE HEARD FROM You are to be commended upon the greatly improved magazine— the paper it­ self, the features, the cover pictures. May the Lord bless you richly as you seek to draw others to Him by means of attrac­ tive literature. Ethel B. Hansen, Gospel Missions, Inc., Anchorage, Alaska. COMM ENT FROM RADIO S TA TION OWNER The new KING’S BUSINESS is cer­ tainly lovely. W e have enjoyed the maga­ zine in our home for many years. There has been a definite improvement in the magazine during the past years. Dave Hofer, Jr., Radio Station KRDU, Dinuba, California. E ditor ’ s N ote : Dave and Egon Hofer, owners of Radio Station KRDU, Dinuba, are both graduates of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles. Their station has just increased power by a substantial wattage covering the important Dinuba-Fresno area of Central California. SEMINARY PRESIDENT WRITES Allow me to express a word of apprecia­ tion for your fine “Message from the Editor” in the November KING’S BUSI­ NESS. It is refreshing to find a leader in Christian education thinking so clearly on one of the important issues of our day. I have commended the editorial to our students for their reading and trust it will do a great deal of good. W e continue to follow your work and the institution you represent with a great deal of interest and trust the Lord’s full blessing will fall upon you. John F. Walvoord, Th.D., President, Dallas Theo­ logical Seminary, Dallas, Texas. EXTRA COPY, ANYONE? I am wondering if any of your readers have an extra copy of the May, 1957 edi­ tion of THE KING’S BUSINESS. I am interested in getting the special article by Dr. Louis T. Talbot on Seventh-day Adventism. If someone would just lend it, it would be helpful. Thank you for what­ ever help you may be able to give. Rav. Norman F. Doufy, 1143 Marigold Ava., East Lansing, Michigan.

new "Training Hour” YOUTH MATERIALS BY SCRIPTURE PRESS Geared to the tempo of today’s teens, Scripture Press Youth Materials will spark fresh interest . . . inject purpose and spiritual quality into your youth meetings . . . challenge your young people to “ search the Scriptures” for the answers to their problems. T raining H our builds future Sunday School and Church leaders through active participation in proven “ train-by-doing” activities: buzz sessions, discussions, skits, debates, panels, forums, etc. Interest-packed weekly programs cover basic themes: God’s view of dating and marriage, personality development, Christian living, vocations, stewardship, missions, etc. See these exciting features for yourself. Send for your FREE copy of the 20-page “ T raining H our ” booklet. The new T raining H our course includes undated electives for adults. ACT NOW! Mail handy coupon TODAY!

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NEW INTERESTI IN PROPHECY ! Introduction to Prophecy By Elsa Raud, Editor, Author and Educator. INTRODUCTION by Dean of Grace Prof. Herman A. Hoyt, Theological Seminary

A MESSAGE from the editor During the days of our Lord's earthly ministry there was in existence a sect known as Pharisees. Undoubtedly this group of individuals was as religious as any group has ever been, before or since that time. Yet it was to them and concerning them that our Lord pronounced His most scathing denunciation. Matthew has recorded some of His searching words: "Woe unto you, Scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites . . . ye fools and blind . . . ye blind guides which strain at a gnat and swallow a camel . . . ye make clean the outside of the cup and of the platter, but within they are full of extortion and excess . . . ye are like whited sepulchres which indeed appear beautiful outward but are within full of dead men's bones and of all unclean­ ness . . . ye serpents, ye generation of vipers, how can ye escape the damnation of hell? (Matthew 23:13-33). In view of the fact that our Lord ministered to publi­ cans and sinners, thereby having personal contact with them while at the same time speaking so vigorously against the Pharisees of His day, we do well to consider some of the reasons why He said what He did concerning them. As a background, certain facts about the Pharisees need to be kept in mind. First, they were all very learned men; second, doubtless they were highly respected by the com­ mon people as very religious men; third, they stood out in any company of people as the religious leaders of their day and were acknowledged as such; fourth they were well acquainted with the Scriptures of the day, namely our Old Testament ; fifth, they knew the prophetic Scriptures con­ cerning the coming of the Messiah; sixth, they completely rejected Jesus Christ as the Messiah who was to come, not believing Him to be the Son of God manifest in the flesh; seventh, they violently opposed Christ in all that He said and did, and they did everything possible to persuade the common people to reject Him; eighth, they were largely in­ strumental in bringing the Lord to trial and in having Him crucified on Calvary's cross. However, the most significant fact concerning the at­ titude of the Pharisees was that they rejected the Lord Jesus Christ and all that He claimed to be. If He had not claimed to be God and one with the Father, it is likely that the Pharisees would have accepted Him as a great teacher and one of the prophets and all would have been well be­ tween them and Him. But the Pharisees were endeavoring to obtain salvation for their souls through personal merit and their own good works. And so because the Lord clearly stated, "Ye must be born again," and told them, in effect, that the only way of salvation was through personal faith in Him, they rejected Him. That salvation could be secured only by humbling oneself in simple faith and believing in Him as Saviour, instead of trusting the works of the law in which they placed so much confidence and about which they boasted so loudly, was repugnant to these self-right­ eous Pharisees. Therefore they repudiated him, and He, in turn, leveled His strongest words of denunciation against them. There is an alarming similarity between many of the religious leaders of our day and the Pharisees of our Lord's time. Religion, as such, is becoming increasingly popu­ lar. However, alas, it is a completely "bloodless re­ ligion, " a form of godliness which denies "the power there-

A new and increased interest has been noted in the study of Bible Prophecy. Here is a new, clear and sound guide to the study of Prophecy, written in readable lan­ guage, rich in spiritual helps a n d presenting great truths often over­ looked by others. An excellent work of Intro­ duction to Prophecy. It covers a wide field of Prophectic S t u d y . Splendid f o r pastors, teachers, classroom and Price $3.50

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of." Today these religious leaders are well-educated, cul­ tured and, in many instances, extremely refined. They are respected by the masses. But tragically they, too, to a large degree reject the Lord Jesus Christ for what He claims to be. They are the blind leaders of the blind. Even as our Lord invited the common people of His day to come and find rest to their souls, so today He extends the same invitation. As He in His day thoroughly condemned the re­ ligious leaders for willfully turning their backs upon Him and going in their own religiously iniquitous ways, so it seems quite evident that were He living in the flesh now, He would declare the same thing to these modern-day religious leaders. It is extremely serious for a person to assume a place of spiritual leadership of a local congre­ gation or of the public in general. But there is another problem that is equally serious which is disturbing the minds of many earnest, Bible- believing Christians. It is this: to what extent should Bible-believing Christians have fellowship with those who deny the deity of of the Lord Jesus Christ and His atoning work on Calvary's cross? Our Lord, Himself, gave us the example of what our attitude should be toward all deniers of the faith and that was to have no continuing fellowship whatever with them. Furthermore, the Word of God is quite explicit in this regard: "What part has he that believeth with an unbeliever?" (II Cor. 6:15) ; "Come out from among them and be ye separate, saith the Lord" (II Cor. 6:17) ; "Have no fellowship with unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them" (Eph. 5:11). The old saying, "Birds of a feather flock together" is certainly applicable here and any individual, no matter how loudly he proclaims his orthodoxy and evangelical zeal, inevitably will come under suspicion if he con­ tinues in fellowship and cooperation with those who deny the claims of our Lord. One's motives may be of the very highest, such as the honest desire to win these religious leaders to the Lord Jesus Christ. But, as a matter of fact, the records over the years do not show that such a course produces any such result. Instead, by such associations, the cause of Jesus Christ is brought into disrepute and the ends obtained are most unfortunate indeed. Today, we should follow the example He Himself set for us. Doubt­ less, there are occasions when one is obliged to associate with such leaders. But these are the exception and should never be allowed to become the rule. Certainly most earn­ est prayer should be offered in behalf of the religious leader who has departed from the faith or one who has never come to a saving knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ in the first place, but to make these modern-day Pharisees partners in the Lord's business is not only incongruous but also injurious to any Bible-centered and Christ-honor- ing program. May the Lord guide and direct us all during these mo­ mentous days that we might remain time to Him, that our testimony might be clear-cut, that there might never be a question in the minds of any as to whose we are and whom we serve, and what is our uncompromising stand on the deity of Christ and related truths of the Word of God.

WILLIAM CULBERTSON P resid en t, M o o d y B ib le in stitu te speaks on the fundamentals of the faith. ADORN ING THE DOCTRINE “ It was Paul who wrote, ‘Adorn the doctrine of God our Saviour.’ He gave the exhortation to Titus that the young preacher might pass it on to slaves— slaves tempted to steal from their masters (Titus 2:10). It is an amazing word. To those of us committed to Christian doc­ trine, who believe it, who see the exquisite perfection, logic and beauty of it, it is hard to think of adorning that which is so glorious in itself. It is like painting the rose or gilding the lily. And it is even more difficult to imagine a slave adorning the doctrine. But he can; so may we. “ The only proper and scriptural em­ bellishment of true Christian doctrine is the consecrated, godly life of the believer. Such adornment proves not only that the believer holds the truth, but that the truth holds him. God is always concerned, not only about increase of knowledge for His child, but also growth in grace. In fact, II Peter 3:18 seems to stress growth in grace, according to the order of the words in the text. “ So let us never forget that Christian doctrines are not only to be believed, not only to be taught, not only to be defend­ ed; they are to be adorned. And to that end God has given us His Son, His Word, and His Spirit.” Every Christian should have a copy of William Culbertson’s book God’s Provi­ sion for H oly Living, a happy blending of Bible study and practical exhortation. 112 pages, paper bound. For your free copy, write Moody Bible Institute, Dept. K-l- 873, 820 N. LaSalle Street, Chicago 10, Illinois.

Send to Prayer Time, The King's Businessmega zine, 558 So. Hope, LosAngeles 17, California.

President, The Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Inc.



M other has been re-discovering the frustrations of English grammar and punctuation. It seems to her that no sooner is a rule laid down with near “ sine die” finality that an exception rears its ugly (rare­ ly helpful) head. Life seems so full of matters dif­ ficult to understand. P a r a d o x is everywhere. We teach our children to abhor war, yet urge them to be good soldiers of Jesus Christ. The BOOK says: “Work out your own salvation with fear and trembling” (Phil. 2: 12). It also says: “ For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: not of works” (Gal. 2:8, 9). “Mommie, why do you tell me to select the dress I want to wear, then make me take it off if you think it is not appropriment, or whatever that word is?” “ The word is ‘appropriate,’ Ardyth. I am trying to help you make the right decisions while you are young. Most of us learn much by the method of trial and error. I want you to de­ cide what is right to wear for sum­ mer and winter, to wear at church, or to school. When you don’t make the proper decision, am obliged to guide you correctly until you get to the place that you can do it yourself.” “Well, that’s hard. I like to wear what I like no matter what the weather or day is like.” Taking the charming and exasper­ ating nine year old into her arms Mother whispered: “ I’m glad there is one decision I didn’t have to make. Love for you children reached my heart before you ever saw the light of day. And Ardyth, you may not understand this now, but I’ll tell you anyway. No decision of life will be too difficult to make if you keep mat­ ters in their proper setting and con­ text. This proper perspective and balance can only be achieved by ‘wisdom that is from above’ and which is ‘first pure, then peaceable, gentle. . .’ (James 3:17). Mother will always pray for this wisdom for you and for all her children. I cannot give it to you; only God can—and will.” THE KING'S BUSINESS

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Authorized King Janies Version

l g

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p le a s e p ra y for the nine million people in the

Dr. Billy Graham was featured speak­ er at a recent banquet sponsored by Wycliffe Bible Translators in Char­ lotte, North Carolina. Jungle Avia-

Mrs. Dorothy C. Haskins, member of the staff of World Vision, has been given a special assignment to aid Japanese evangelical m i s s i o n a r y groups in the field of writing. Rev. Harold H. Etling, National Fel­ lowship of Brethren Churches, has been elected President of the Na­ tional Sunday School Association, ac­ cording to word received from Dr. Clate Risley, executive secretary of NSSA. Rev. Clarence R. Gerig, Mission­ ary Church Association is vice-presi­ dent. Dr. Bob Jones Jr., president of Bob Jones University, was selected as fea­ tured speaker on a recent coast-to- coast television presentation of “ Lamp Unto My Feet,” produced by the Columbia Broadcasting System. A number of the distinctive art collec­ tions from the University were used at Christmas time on the special NBC TV program, “ The Coming of Christ.” Dr. Bob Pierce, president of World Vision, continues to move plans for­ ward for the month long Tokyo Cru- Meiji auditorium, Tokyo sade of World Vision to be held May 6 - June 5 in the 10,000 seat Meiji Auditorium. The evangelical thrust represents 100 years of Protestant missionary work in Japan. Mr. Edward D. Simpson has been ap­ pointed Chairman of a special ad­ visory council established to give guidance to Christian education pro­ grams offered in Bible institutes and Bible colleges. A joint grant by Scrip­ ture Press, Standard Publishing, David C. Cook, and Gospel Light Press has made the unique ministry possible, coordinated through the Ac­ crediting Association of Bible Col­ leges. Dr. Cordas C. Burnett, chairman for the 19th annual National Association of Evangelicals Convention has an­ nounced that Dr. Harold J. Ockenga will be key speaker for this year’s conclave meeting in Grand Rapids, Michigan. Dates are April 10- 14. Dr. Armin Gess- wein will lead the special prayer serv­ ices for the convention.

W O R L D ’S LA R GE ST C I T Y Tonyo crusade May 6 through June 5/1961

DR. BOB PIERCE, President W O R L D V IS I O N , I N C ., jtox 0. Pasadena, Calif, or World Vision of Canada, Box 181K, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Billy Graham at Charlotte tion and Radio Service (JAARS) re­ cently established its world headquar­ ters in the Eastern city. Dr. Carl Bihl, vice-president of Youth for Christ International will head the 12th annual YFC Director’s School to be held this month at Lake Geneva, Wisconsin. Dr. John H. Fadenrecht of ’Wheaton College, has been elected president of the Evangelical Teacher Placement Agency which was established in 1959 to meet the problem of teacher shortages in evangelical institutions of higher learning. Dr. S. A. Witmer is director of the group. Dr. Franklin Olson, a Chicago medical doctor, has been selected to direct planning for a new $3,000,000 cam­ pus of Trinity Theological Seminary to be located at Bannockburn, Illinois. Dr. Horace Dean, founder and direc­ tor of the Christ for America evange­ listic association, has announced that the organization will terminate its activities after nearly 18 years of serv­ ice. Dr. Dean will be assistant pastor of Grace Chapel, Havertown, Penn­ sylvania. Mr. Dave Wertheimer and Miss Pamela Beaird are featured in the new Gospel Films production, “ The H i g h e s t Mountain” soon to be released. Loca-

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of an evangelical magazine, says: “ Face the facts, no matter how unpleasant. The Communists say this is a fight to the finish. Believe them! Khrushchev says, ‘We will bury you.’ He means it! Keep your head out of the sand and face the issue squarely. “ Don’t be complacent. John Noble, who vanished for nine years in a Russian slave camp, said, ‘We are drown­ ing in a sea of complacency. Americans simply do not want to care.’ You are your brother’s keeper, including the 28 million in slave labor camps behind the Iron Curtain. “ Finally, agitate as a Christian for the righteous forces to take the initiative. We have been on the defensive. A personal acceptance of the Gospel message is still the best deterrent to the spread of a godless atheism.” Do you see the peril that is at. our very doorstep, and also the challenge that faces us? Then let these words from an article in a French Communist paper, “ Paix et Liberté,” bum with conviction into your heart: “ The Gospel is a much more powerful weapon for the renewal of a society than is our Marxist philosophy. All the same, it is we who will finally beat you. We are only a handful, and you Christians are numbered by the million. But if you remember the story of Gideon and his three hundred companions, you will understand why I am right. We Communists do not play with words. We are realists, and seeing that we are determined to achieve our object, we know how to obtain the means. Of our salaries and wages we keep only what is strictly necessary; and we give the rest for propaganda purposes. To this propaganda we also consecrate all our free time and part of our holi­ days. You, however, give only a little time and hardly any money for the spreading of the Gospel of Christ. How can anyone believe in the supreme value of this Gospel if you do not practice it, if you do not spread it, and if you sacrifice neither time nor money for it? Believe me, it is we who will win, for we believe in our Communist mes­ sage and we are ready to sacrifice everything, even our lives, in order that social justice shall triumph. But you people are afraid to soil your hands.” If you do really love Him, are you sharing the good news? I didn’t ask you if you were a preacher, but are you letting your fellow workmen, your neighbors, your schoolmates know that Jesus Christ means everything to you, and that you want to introduce your Saviour to them also? How about your pocketbook? Does God have it as well as your life and witness for Him? A known Communist in San Francisco said that besides giving one-third of his day to Communism, he also gave half of his income. Do you really give to the cause of Christ and the spread of His Gospel as if your life depended on it? You had better, for it does! Most Christians do not even give the minimum tithe or tenth. We are content to be Christians of convenience. We give out of what is left over (if any­ thing) after buying new homes, new cars, washers, dryers, sports equipment and so on. I cannot conclude without this word to someone who may be reading this and who is yet a stranger to the family of God and dead in trespasses and sins. If the Communists do achieve world domination, I should a thousand times rather fall into their torturing and cruel hands than to leave this life unprepared to meet God. Why not ask Jesus Christ, God’s only begotten Son, to come into your heart right now, take away your sin and give you life that never ends. Then live all-out for Him. God is still on the throne. He will finally put all His enemies under His feet, but you and I can and must have a real part in this victory. “ Awake thou that steepest, and arise from the dead, and Christ shall give thee light” i l


by C. Calvin Herriott

W e are the young and aggressive,” Nikita Khru­ shchev said, when Americans ventured into Lebanon, “ and you are the decadent civilization! We will wipe the memory of capitalism from the face of the earth!” Communism fully intends to conquer the world by or before 1973, and the Reds consider their program to be as much as five years ahead of schedule. In fact, many of Communism’s leaders openly boast that they will have a dictator in Washington, D.C., within the next decade! “When we conquer the United States,” Khrushchev is reported to have said, “ sixty million Americans must be removed.” Can this possibly happen here in America? A few months ago in Salem, Oregon, an evangelical pastor was approached by a Communist Party member in an effort to soften up the Communist cause. When the pastor resisted, he was told that the Communists have a complete record of pastors and members of the churches of Salem in their files ready for action at the appropriate time! If the Communists did get control of our country, what would this mean to you and to your church? An official publication of the Committee on Un-American Activities of the House of Representatives points out that if Com­ munism should come to the United States it would mean that: 1. If you belong to a church, you must prepare for persecution. 2. The Communists would destroy every copy of the Bible they could find. 3. It would be illegal for your children to attend Sunday school. 4. The Communists would indoctrinate your children in atheism. 5. Church weddings, funerals and baptisms would be illegal. 6. Missionary work would be absolutely forbidden. Yes, it can happen here, unless you and I, and all Americans decide to get busy and do something about it. What can I do, you ask? Rev. W. S. Mooneyham, editor FEBRUARY, 19«!

I grew up in a small Iowa farm community, one of five children. My parents were good to us and I was happy. My life, up to eighteen, was just plain average. No melodrama! No strange twists; no unusual events of fate! I went to school, played with my brothers and sisters, and like most girls reluctantly did my share of the housework under Mom’s cheerful but firm guidance. Yet something was missing. I know now what it was but did not realize it then. Although my parents lived up to a high standard of decency, they did not insist that I or the other chil­ dren attend church or Sunday school regularly. I lacked early spiritual training. Many times this lack has shown itself during moments of crisis. It was not until my second school year that I became a Christian. Uncle Howard, Papa’s youngest brother was critically ill in a hospi­ tal. There in a dying condition he realized his need of soul salvation and accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as his Saviour. God mercifully spared his life. He became an ardent Christian and began to witness to my parents and urge them to take their family to church. As a result, all of us began to attend a Christian church in our community, and on one Sunday morn­ ing, at the close of the worship serv­ ice, I surrendered all to Jesus. Papa and Mamma did too. And so did the other children. What a wonderful change it wrought in our lives. We had a neighbor, a gentle, Chris­ tian woman, who often visited our home. I remember once as a girl one thing she said to me, as she talked in the kitchen. “Whatever you do, Honey, when you grow up and think about getting married, be sure to choose a Christian man. You know that my husband is unsaved and that my life has been wretched because of it.” “ Don’t worry,” I replied, “ that won’t happen to me.” A War-time Marriage But it did happen —before I real­ ized it. It was during the war, when I was eighteen. Martin, my husband, had a sister who attended the same church as I did. One Sunday after­ noon, while visiting in her home, I noticed a serviceman’s picture on the piano and commented about it. “ That’s my brother,” she volun­ teered. “ He’s in the Marines. Hand­ some, isn’t he?” Jack, the sister’s husband, took up the conversation. “Why don’t you

MY M A K M A G e


by Anonymous

Tearful testimony of a Christian wife who now lives as a partner in a tragic mixed marriage.



write him? He’s a good church boy and would be glad to correspond with you. He’s awfully lonely.” “Maybe I will,” I answered. “What’s his address?” My letters were friendly, about home town things, about the church, and even about the weather. Martin’s letters were friendly, too. In June he came home for a thirty- day leave, as handsome and stunning in uniform as his picture. After get­ ting acquainted in person, he asked me to go out with him, and from then on we were together constantly, at his sister’s, at my house, or in church. Like any impressionable girl my age, I was taken back but really not surprised when Martin asked me to marry him. We had known each other just two weeks. Eighteen, overwhelmed, and in love, I said, “Yes.” Then he went overseas. I wrote him every day while he was in Japan. Strangely enough, his let­ ters were infrequent, and I noticed, too, without much spiritual content. I thought about it frequently, but brushed it aside. Martin returned home a year later, and we were married. It was a simple but lovely wedding in the pastor’s home. Changed Behavior Two weeks were all that we had been married when it happened. His attitude and behavior changed. Be­ lieve me that is an understatement. He came out of the bedroom to break­ fast in levis and a T-shirt. It was on Sunday. “ Aren’t you going to Sunday School?” I asked. “ Does it look like it?” he replied apparently for no cause that I could see. I was heartbroken! Disillusioned! He wasn’t at all what he had pre­ tended to be at first. And I didn’t give myself time to really put him to the test; I had married an unsaved boy whom I really had known only forty-five days. And 1 said it couldn’t happen to me! Not only that; he started drinking and has drunk heavily from then on. He is cynical in his attitude toward religion, blames bickering in the church for it. Problems of Divided Home No one really knows the problems of a divided home unless he or she has experienced it. Nor is it possible for me to convey what it is like. Soul anguish is something I simply cannot put into words. Take the children, for example. We have two bright, healthy little boys. Neither one is old enough yet to real­ ly understand why daddy does not FEBRUARY, 19«!

come home night after night. But the older one is starting to wonder. What am I going to tell him? What is there to tell him? The strain of a torn-up home tells on them and on me. When Martin is “ taking it out” on me with his drink­ ing, prolonged absences, and sullen­ ness, I find myself — quite uncon­ sciously— “ taking it out” on the chil­ dren. A few times I have had to drop to my knees, sobbing convulsively, and ask God’s help. “ Forgive me, Lord, for slapping Jimmy in anger, and give me grace sufficient for the day.” “Why not leave him?” This has been suggested by friends, well-mean­ ing perhaps; but I will not yield to it. I do not believe in divorce. As the apostle Paul said, “ The wife is bound by the law as long as her husband liveth” (1 Corinthians 7:39). Mar­ riage is binding until death, except for the one cause (Matthew 19:3-9). I find that in my case— that of a woman with an unsaved husband— God’s Word says, “ If he be pleased to dwell with her, let her not leave him” (1 Corinthians 7:13). For myself, to go contrary to this plain teaching would be to sin against light. Then there is the matter of friends. Martin has nothing to do with my Christian friends. I hesitate to bring them home for fear he will either be drinking or insulting; and to say the least, I miss the fellowship of others of “ like mind.” There are times when all of us, humanly speaking, need com­ fort and encouragement. I am denied this comfort in my companion and in close personal friends, because of the home situation. I, of course, have little in common with the kind of people Martin brings to the house. You can imagine what the atmosphere of the home is like when they are around. It’s not easy to be fervent about the things of the Lord in such an atmosphere. Gradual­ ly it wears you down. Our Sunday routine, I suppose, is like that in most homes where the partners live in two worlds. I get myself and the children ready for Sunday school and church. Martin sleeps. When I return, he is ready to go out for a holiday, to places where I, by conviction, cannot go on Sunday. And so it goes on, Sunday after Sunday. Occasionally, strong feelings of re­ sentment well up within me. I see whole families seated together in church—happy families. There I am, alone, trying to manage two restless children. I have not known complete happiness in my marriage. True, the children bring some measure of hap­

piness, but it is offset by the fear I have for them and their future should Martin remain unsaved for a long time. My husband and I have never prayed together — not once. He de­ votes most of his leisure time with cronies, not with me and the chil­ dren, spending money foolishly that should go for necessities. I live in dread of what he is going to do next. I cannot trust him nor take his word at face value; probably it is a carry­ over from his awful false pretense in the beginning, and certainly from the way he has treated me since then. With nerves raw and on edge, I sometimes come near to the breaking point, and have to choke back a cry, “Why do I have to pay for what he is doing? Do I have to suffer all my life for one mistake?” Spiritual Life Suffers More than anyone else, I know my spiritual life has suffered. I have neg­ lected important things. I am not the Christian I ought to be, nor can I really serve God under the circum­ stances. When I married Martin, I I did not marry his unbelief, but it is awfully hard to keep his cynicism from taking root in my thinking. Oh! the awful distress that one suffers from being pulled from two sides. If we are not to put asunder what God has joined together, then it fol­ lows that we are not to join what He has separated. God does not sanction mixed marriages—Deuteronomy 7:3, 4; Amos 3:3; 2 Corinthians 6:14-16; James 4:4—for a reason! He knows the inevitable cruelty, anguish, and injury which result to both parties. I don’t believe I could bear up under it, had I not the assurance that Mar­ tin is going to be saved. Pray God that it will be soon. I believe every pastor ought to counsel with his young people before their marriage. The pastor in whose home I was married never gave us any kind of counsel or word of cau­ tion. Nor did he inquire into the mat-, ter of spiritual status. If beforehand, such counsel had been given, and such inquiry made, it might have helped. The most important thing is for young people to know positively, be­ fore they are married that they are both Christians and that they have the same interests in life. As one min­ ister put it, “Make sure your friend is a true believer in Jesus Christ. Do not wait until the courtship develops, for you may be too weak to halt it. Before the first date, settle this sub­ ject. Even then you will want to pray much about your courtship and mar­ riage.” 13

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