of an evangelical magazine, says: “ Face the facts, no matter how unpleasant. The Communists say this is a fight to the finish. Believe them! Khrushchev says, ‘We will bury you.’ He means it! Keep your head out of the sand and face the issue squarely. “ Don’t be complacent. John Noble, who vanished for nine years in a Russian slave camp, said, ‘We are drown ing in a sea of complacency. Americans simply do not want to care.’ You are your brother’s keeper, including the 28 million in slave labor camps behind the Iron Curtain. “ Finally, agitate as a Christian for the righteous forces to take the initiative. We have been on the defensive. A personal acceptance of the Gospel message is still the best deterrent to the spread of a godless atheism.” Do you see the peril that is at. our very doorstep, and also the challenge that faces us? Then let these words from an article in a French Communist paper, “ Paix et Liberté,” bum with conviction into your heart: “ The Gospel is a much more powerful weapon for the renewal of a society than is our Marxist philosophy. All the same, it is we who will finally beat you. We are only a handful, and you Christians are numbered by the million. But if you remember the story of Gideon and his three hundred companions, you will understand why I am right. We Communists do not play with words. We are realists, and seeing that we are determined to achieve our object, we know how to obtain the means. Of our salaries and wages we keep only what is strictly necessary; and we give the rest for propaganda purposes. To this propaganda we also consecrate all our free time and part of our holi days. You, however, give only a little time and hardly any money for the spreading of the Gospel of Christ. How can anyone believe in the supreme value of this Gospel if you do not practice it, if you do not spread it, and if you sacrifice neither time nor money for it? Believe me, it is we who will win, for we believe in our Communist mes sage and we are ready to sacrifice everything, even our lives, in order that social justice shall triumph. But you people are afraid to soil your hands.” If you do really love Him, are you sharing the good news? I didn’t ask you if you were a preacher, but are you letting your fellow workmen, your neighbors, your schoolmates know that Jesus Christ means everything to you, and that you want to introduce your Saviour to them also? How about your pocketbook? Does God have it as well as your life and witness for Him? A known Communist in San Francisco said that besides giving one-third of his day to Communism, he also gave half of his income. Do you really give to the cause of Christ and the spread of His Gospel as if your life depended on it? You had better, for it does! Most Christians do not even give the minimum tithe or tenth. We are content to be Christians of convenience. We give out of what is left over (if any thing) after buying new homes, new cars, washers, dryers, sports equipment and so on. I cannot conclude without this word to someone who may be reading this and who is yet a stranger to the family of God and dead in trespasses and sins. If the Communists do achieve world domination, I should a thousand times rather fall into their torturing and cruel hands than to leave this life unprepared to meet God. Why not ask Jesus Christ, God’s only begotten Son, to come into your heart right now, take away your sin and give you life that never ends. Then live all-out for Him. God is still on the throne. He will finally put all His enemies under His feet, but you and I can and must have a real part in this victory. “ Awake thou that steepest, and arise from the dead, and Christ shall give thee light” i l
by C. Calvin Herriott
W e are the young and aggressive,” Nikita Khru shchev said, when Americans ventured into Lebanon, “ and you are the decadent civilization! We will wipe the memory of capitalism from the face of the earth!” Communism fully intends to conquer the world by or before 1973, and the Reds consider their program to be as much as five years ahead of schedule. In fact, many of Communism’s leaders openly boast that they will have a dictator in Washington, D.C., within the next decade! “When we conquer the United States,” Khrushchev is reported to have said, “ sixty million Americans must be removed.” Can this possibly happen here in America? A few months ago in Salem, Oregon, an evangelical pastor was approached by a Communist Party member in an effort to soften up the Communist cause. When the pastor resisted, he was told that the Communists have a complete record of pastors and members of the churches of Salem in their files ready for action at the appropriate time! If the Communists did get control of our country, what would this mean to you and to your church? An official publication of the Committee on Un-American Activities of the House of Representatives points out that if Com munism should come to the United States it would mean that: 1. If you belong to a church, you must prepare for persecution. 2. The Communists would destroy every copy of the Bible they could find. 3. It would be illegal for your children to attend Sunday school. 4. The Communists would indoctrinate your children in atheism. 5. Church weddings, funerals and baptisms would be illegal. 6. Missionary work would be absolutely forbidden. Yes, it can happen here, unless you and I, and all Americans decide to get busy and do something about it. What can I do, you ask? Rev. W. S. Mooneyham, editor FEBRUARY, 19«!
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