Their risen Christ had given them a vitality and cour age that was foreign to any other group of people. And their experience was repeated before my eyes in the lives of my school friends. The facts were quite clear to me. If, as they said, Christ was the One that had come into their lives and radically changed them, then He was really God. When I understood these amazing facts, I willingly surrendered full control of my life to Him. “ As many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name,’ (John 1:12). “ If any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new” (2 Corinthians 5:17). When I invited Christ into my life, I had a complete reversal of attitudes and outlook. I received great inner peace and a sense of purpose in life in place of chronic emptiness and futility. I began to know the abiding presence of Jesus, who by His power changes our fives. My excitement continues to increase, and whether in athletics, studies, or working with Campus Crusade for Christ, I’m beginning to experience the “ contagion” to others that comes when we really follow Christ. What an adventure to be led in this world by its Creator and sustainer! 'What a joy just to be alive for God to use! Jesus Christ is made to me wisdom, righteousness, sancti fication and- redemption. I can recommend Him to you with complete confidence, and ask that you will give Him entrance into your fife. (This article is available in printed form from the American Tract Society, 513 West 166th Street, New York 32, N.Y.)
HIGH DIVER M o s t y o u n g people have a particular aspiration that guides and molds their lives as they mature. Some of my friends hoped to make a significant contribution in the field of science; some in teaching. My main am bition was to excel in athletics. I thought that somehow the answer to life would be found in becoming “ great” in a particular sport. When I was sixteen I trained with a group of divers in preparation for the Canadian Championships, but after two months of hectic running from work to the pool to home, the same cycle day after day, I concluded that athletics alone would never constitute a really satisfying life. At my high school, there was a group of students whom I knew quite well. I noticed in them a real sta bility that I lacked. They met together once each week for Bible study and discussion, so I decided to discover for myself what made them different by visiting one of their sessions. To my amazement I found that their whole lives revolved around Jesus Christ. To them, He was not just a historical figure, but was very much alive and played a part in everything they did. They seemed to talk frequently about “ Christ’s claim on their lives.” This disturbed me. I was quite willing to accept Christ as the Saviour, but had definite plans for my own life that did not include Christ’s interference. At first I thought they were deluded and as a real friend I should try to free them. The Bible was their source of faith, so I decided this Book was the sensible place to start. I began reading it with great care, try ing my best to find so-called contradictions. However, when I pointed out these apparent discrepancies they weren’t in the least bit upset. They had no trouble ex plaining that these passages were consistent with the whole. As I read through this Book the central character, Jesus Christ, began to come alive for me. It was thrilling to notice how the Christ of history began to grip my life. I began to see that this had been no ordinary man on the cross, and that His resurrection had completely changed the lives and personalities of His followers.
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