in view? In this day of abounding unbelief, may your faith in the Word of God be as stedfast as the faith of Noah. III. NOAH’S FAITH WAS A GIVING FAITH. When God gave detailed instruc tions concerning the building of the ark, He said nothing of wages. Noah and his carpenter sons were not hired at three dollars an hour, with time and half for overtime and double time for Sundays! Noah’s service on the ark was given to God. That ark, to him, was what God’s work is to us, and for over a century he spent time, labor, and money on it. While the worldly-wise men around him were getting rich, adding to their buildings, and extending their fields, Noah was giving his money to God by building the ark. But mark this—what Noah gave to God, he found again with multi plied interest; what these men laid up for themselves, they lost. A ll of their so-called “ real estate” became very unreal when the flood of water covered it. A ll their bankrolls could not purchase a raft to keep them alive in that storm. They perished — and their money with them. On the other hand all that Noah gave up that he might devote to the building of the ark he received back—and abundant ly more. IV. NOAH’S FAITH SAVED HIS HOUSE. Noah prepared an ark “ to the sav ing of his house.” God honored Noah’s faith by allowing him to see the sav ing of his family. He preached for 120 years and did not see one con vert outside his own family. His preaching, his godly life, his prayers, and his faith told upon his wife and children. When the flood came, every one of them went into the ark. Fathers and mothers, say “ Yes” to God for your children’s sake as well as for your own. God said to Noah, “ Come thou, and all thy house into the ark.” Jesus says to you today, “ Come unto me.” When you say “No” you are saying it, not only for your self, but also for the generation fol lowing you. When you say “ Yes” you are putting that word in the mouths of your children, and your children’s children. The faith of Noah saved his house. W ill you save yours, or condemn it? I trust that in the great day you will be able to stand in the presence of God, a saved family, with children on either side of you and can say, in the language of Scripture, “ Behold I and the children which God hath given me.”
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