80% and continues to rise. A new parsonage was purchased and a beau tiful new $135,000 church building of contemporary design was con structed on the site where the old buildings had stood as a landmark for 73 years. The many changes in the appear ance of the Church were also accom panied by a wonderful change in the interest of the people in missionary work. When it was decided that a new building was needed, the congre gation agreed that 30% of the money they received for the building would be given to missions. On October 9, 1960, the buildings were dedicated to the Lord with ap propriate ceremonies. On this Dedi cation Day, as the people enjoyed the beauty of their own new buildings, they had the added joy of knowing that they had already given $12,000 to be used to help establish other churches in the needy areas of Cali fornia. This giving has been over and beyond the regular giving to the evangelistic missionary program of the Church in its outreach around the world, and it will be increased as the congregation continues to com plete payment for their buildings. With the new buildings and a new interest in missions, have also come new people into the life of the Church. However, the strength and stability of the congregation lay in the fact that Palms Church has a solid core of faithful people who through the years have labored, given, and prayed for the life of the Church. One such person is Mrs. Emma Kiggens, who has attended for more than 75 years and has been an active member since 1891. The grand son of the first superintendent of the Sunday school, the late Mr. Walter Lowe, and his wife, Frances, have also been active in the Church through the years and have most gen erously helped the Church financial ly. These, and a number of others, who through their entire lifetime have been devoted to the Lord’s work through Palms Church, are the ones who have given the backing needed to bring such wonderful changes. Truly the testimony for Christ stands as the church faith built. Reach Ch ildren !
Surely Your Heart Will Open To One Of These Korean Orphans
Choose One Of These To Sponsor— How Can Anyone Refuse? They Cry Out For Comfort, Love, Warmth, Food and Clothing. Only $8 a month— just 26 pennies a day— covers complete care, including school tuition which is not free in Korea. Each child has a heart-breaking story. Darling little Myeong Shin, Number K-l above, and her brother lost their father who died of T.B. a month after she was born.
The mother had no money or income. She had to beg for her children, carrying them with her ;:s she went from door to door. Finally, exhausted and deep in despair, she brought them to the Pusan city authorities who placed them in our Korean Christian Orphanage. Number K-10 above is Oh Bok Hwan. His father died the month the child was bom, leaving no money or property. The mother, after trying desperately to feed and cloth herself and child, suddenly disappeared, abandoning Oh Bok Hwan. An uncle cared for him for three months and then he, too, died. Oh Bok Hwan was found on the road, wandering, begging and crying. R e s c u e d F r o m D e s p a i r Now he is cared for in our orphanage in Daechum which is desperately in need of many new sponsors. Every child is waiting to have a loving foster “ Daddy and Mom- mie” ! You can ask a friend to be a co-sponsor with you—only $4 each per month— or interest your Sunday School, Bible Class, Youth Group, Ladies Society, etc. Thus you will help train a possible future Christian leader in Korea. Korea has more orphans than any other nation we know of due to the ravages of war, poverty and disease. Babies are abandoned and beggar boys roam the streets with no place to sleep except under bridges and in doorways. Could you see the abject misery so prevalent, your heart would be moved to help us get more children into our or phanages where they would have loving Christian care, happiness and health.
TH E EVERETT SWANSON EVANGELISTIC ASS'N., INC. 4848 North Leonard Drive Dept. K -2 Chicago 31, III. ]------------------------------------------- CLIP AND M AIL T O D A Y ---------------------------------------------1 . □ YES I want to sponsor an orphan for one year. My choice is , Number ...____ _ If this child has already been “ adopted,” I agree to support another whom you will select. With God’s help I will send $8 a month to your office. Please let me have my child’s name, picture, address and story. I understand I j may continue as long as I wish. Enclosed is support for □ first month, □ full year. SEND FULL PARTICULARS. □ I cannot “ adopt” a child but want to help by giving $----------- . □ Please send me further information. I 1 | Name ...... ....... ...... .........—............. ........................................................ ..... I ■ Address ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ----------- City ............................. ........ ...... Zone ........ State ............................ Gifts of any amount are welcome. All gifts and sponsorings are income tax deductible. The Everett Swanson Evangelistic Ass'n. Inc. An Interdenominational Non-Profit Corporation Dept. K-2, 4848 No. Leonard Dr., Chicago 31, III. GL 6-6181
The ESE: a ì s raring for over 6000 orpl lans, , children of 1
6 pages — 3 colors 50 for $1.00 postpaid 1000 for $17.50 postpaid C H U R C H P R E S S Box 551 Glondole, California
TROUBLE L — a tract for i h BOYS A N D A ^ G . R L s J f
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