• His children have scandal ized the town. • The treasurer’s face is get ting longer and longer, and the salary cornes shorter and shorter.
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• His glad hand gets tired, his sunny-jim smile wears off, and his pep is popped. • He has expounded all his pet ideas and exhausted his bag of tricks. • New pulpits come easier than new ideas. • To change one’s residence is easier than to change one’s ways. • Distant pastures look greener than those near at hand. • To move is easier than to grow. • Passing the buck to the next man is less exhausting than solving the problems. • The minister runs out of excitement and the people lose interest. • Prophets are plagued with an uneasy restless disposi tion. • A minister’s successes pile up in arithmetic progres sion; his mistakes multiply in geometric progression. • The minister tires o f the peo ple and the people tire o f the minister. • Ultimately even the finest men get “ through.” Blessed is he who knows when to stick! Thrice blessed is he who knows when to quit!
Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Inc, 558 So. Hope St., Los Angeles 17, Calif.
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