homiletical helps
The Editors of The King’s Business invite readers to contribute outlines for sermons for use in this column. TH E FINISHED WORK OF CHRIST It is finished. John 19:30 1. The suffering of Christ is finished. 2. The great sacrifice for sin is finished. 3. The war with evil is finished. —Clarence E. Macartney TH E WONDER OF TH E BIBLE Thy testimonies are wonderful. Psalm 119:192 1. The persistence of the Bible is wonder ful. 2. The unity of the Bible is wonderful. 3. The inexhaustibility of the Bible is wonderful. 4. The influence of the Bible is wonderful. 5. The power of the Bible is wonderful. —Will H. Houghton If you look at your faith, you will soon have nothing to look at. Dwell on the greatness of God. 1. Become quietly aware that it is God’s purpose that a certain mountain which has long barred your way should dis appear. This is not simply a wish but a conviction suggested by a promise. 2. Betake yourself to prayer. Ask that you may receive. 3. Have faith in God. Believe that you have received. Dare to think you are dealing with a great God who weighs the mountains in scales and the hills in the balance. What are mountains to Him? — F. B. Meyer SOLITUDE AND FA ITH Galatians 1:16-17 1. A man repents alone, for it is alone that he has sinned. The loneliness that drops down upon the sinner is one of God’s mercies after all. 2. We must be alone if we are to ratify the decisions of the soul. What a man most needs who has caught an arrest ing sight of Jesus is to be alone and to be silent 3. We must be alone that we may grasp the richness and depth of Christian truth. The Gospel is simple, but it has heights and depths of meaning. Chris tian people are called upon to worship God with their intelligence. The great end of seclusion is that we may be prepared to leave it again. We are sent back to life, simplified, cleansed, re freshed, with a true word of hope and courage for other men. —Hugh Ross Mackintosh TH E FAITHFULNESS OF GOD Have faith in God. Mark 11:22
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