King's Business - 1961-02

! personal evangelism by Benjamin Weiss going to be a short plane trip to a nearby city. The flight was just a little more than an hour. As I was boarding the plane, I felt that there might be an opportunity to talk to someone about spiritual mat­ ters on the way. The rear seats on a plane are the best places for carrying on a con­ versation. On this particular plane, there were two seats facing each other in the rear. Just as I was seated, two sailors came in and occupied two of the seats along side of mine. It always is easier to carry on a conversation with one person, so I felt that this was not an ideal situation to talk to one of these young men about the Christian life. Across the aisle a young man sat alone. This seemed to be a much better place to witness than the one in the company of the two sailors. As it was necessary to wait until the plane was airborne before moving, I gathered up my personal things and prepared to change seats as soon as it was permissible. A feeling sud­ denly came to me that this was not the best thing to do. The sailor boys might think that their conversation annoyed me. To pass the time I began reading a book I had taken along. The book, on a psychological subject, had a very interesting title. As the stewardess stopped by our seat, she noticed the title of the book and asked, “ Could you psychologize me? I think I need it.” The following remarks attracted the sailor boys’ attention. They also asked some questions. This was the beginning of an interesting conversa­ tion. The conversation soon turned to some personal matters of the sailors. They told of some of their experiences and problems. This was the open door for witnessing. Time was running out. The hour in conversation ran by as swiftly as the landscape below. Their interest increased as the con­ versation continued. They asked searching questions about God’s pow­ er to meet their problems. The an­ swers were given from the Bible. Just as the “ get ready to land” ac­ tivity started on the plane, I sug­ gested that they try God’s offer of sal­ vation for their lives. They were ready. Both of the young men opened their hearts to God’s Son, and they received Him as their Saviour. I t w a s

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