by Paul Bayles, Fatter, Christ Community Church Canata Farle, Calif.
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A progressive Gospel work among Jews in the cities of middle-west and south-east U.S. and Jerusalem. Special Broadcast to the State of Israel from ELWA m Liberia and Trans-World Radio, Monaco daily. You too can be an active missionary. Send for free tracts and A.M.F. Monthly. Milton B. Lindberg Archie A. MacKinney General Director Superintendent 7448 N. Damen Ave., Chicago 45, Illinois JOIN THE A.E.C.C. It you have been called to preach the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ and are in undenomi national work, you ore invited to become a member of this fast growing organization. Credentials issued to members. Your inquiry invited. AMERICAN EVANGELICAL CHRISTIAN CHURCHES 192 N. Clark St. Chicago 1, III. HO. 9-5883 HO. 9-5883
S e r v i n g ( t y u & t
able of becoming, but not all that someone else is capable of becoming. Competition in Christian service is too prevalent and its presence destroys values that are worth more than the attendance it builds. Such pressures are frequently placed upon Sunday school teachers, choir members, and church officers that cause deep an xiety, frustration, and guilt. So much emphasis can be placed upon the “ ideal” Sunday school teacher, for instance, as to cause a mother of four small children to unfavorably com pare herself with the single teacher, or to the teacher with grown chil dren, and she thereby experiences an xieties that make Christian service a horror, rather than a joy! A deeply disturbed couple recently said to me, “We know that God has given us certain gifts, but we are so afraid be cause we fear that we are not using them as much as we should.” What they did not realize is that God has also given them five children and a set of parents for whom to care and that He understands their limitations even if they or others do not. Hus bands and wives need to realize that there will be times in their life when “ serving Christ together” is not meas ured in numbers of hours spent out side the home, or in services attended, but in the cheerful acceptance of domestic duties and a willingness to tailor church work to time and strength available. Congregations need to understand this. How many early church mem bers will share in the guilt of Ananias and Sapphira? What unnecessary pressures may have been exerted by the congregation to “ sell out” and demonstrate one’s degree of “ surren der” and “ spirituality” ? How deep was the need of this couple to con form and to be approved? To what extent was this immaturity exploited by fellow members, knowingly or not? We do not know the answers to these questions, but human nature hasn’t changed. Many church couples feel this competitive pressure and can not cope with it. Christian service can be a blessing to a family in all of its development. All must realize that “ service” proves nothing. When we have something to prove, it is not Christ whom we serve.
I n t h e p r o c e s s of helping young couples become established in Christian marriage, ministers and counselors realize that matrimony be comes monotonous, unless there are several dimensions within it. Com panionship, mutual interest, c o m mon goals, achievement in vocation, a sense of progress in life, and rec reation are a few of these. Part of the holiness of matrimony is the fulfill ment of Christ’s expectancy in us, which is the spiritual exercise of serv ing Him together. The wholesome development of this dimension gives to marriage a sense of destiny and wholeness. Feeling obedient to the desires of the Lord can bring fulfill ment and joy to the Christian home. Priscilla and Aquila afford a New Testament illustration of this prin ciple in Christian marriage. This Jewish couple loved the Lord Jesus Christ. They desired to serve Him to gether according to their abilities. They were hospitable, for they per mitted Paul to use their home, to which he could invite folk for pur poses of evangelism and instruction. Priscilla cooked meals, and Aquila built tents in order to support Paul’s missionary work. One year they took an extended vacation. They closed their shop and accompanied Paul, taking good care of him. They per sonally studied God’s Word so that they could encourage and instruct others. Although they were “ lay” people, they offered what they had and God used it. He always does. We can easily assume that there was real joy and companionship in their mar riage. They had their problems, but they were dedicated to something and so had joy in their life. There is an expression of spiritual service which every couple can per form within the limitation of ability. It may not be the service activity engaged in by other couples with whom you are acquainted. It doesn’t have to be. Don’t compete with your friends. Don’t compare yourselves with others. God does not compare you with others in His family. Every couple has its own place in the heart and program of God. He accepts your abilities and inabilities as they are, for He gave them to you. He wants you to become all that you are cap
Largest in the West 545 N. Western Ave., Los Angeles, Calif. 11742 Ventura Blvd., Studio City, Calif. POplar 6-2479
ED ITOR IAL S T A T EM E N T FOR AU THOR S The policy of the K ING 'S BUSINESS magazine regard ing unsolicited manuscripts, including prose and poetry, is to review each one ac cording to current needs and individual merit. Au thors should p a r t i c u l a r l y i den t i f y themselves when writing as to their church affiliation. Please enclose a s t amped self-addressed envelope if return of mater ial is desired. The K ING 'S B U S I N E S S cannot accept responsibility for l oss or damage to unsolicited manu scripts mailed to us for con sideration.
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