King's Business - 1961-02

reader reaction

LIBRARIAN WRITES I enjoy receiving THE KING’S BUSI­ NESS, and after I have read it from cover to cover I place it in our library here at Rockmont College. In my estimation there is no finer magazine. Mrs. Martha Von Koehe, Librarian, Rockmont Col­ lege, Longmont, Colorado. COMM EN T ON PREVIOUS LETTER Referring to “ Dislikes Regilious Issue” (READER REACTION, DECEMBER, 1960), this friend no doubt lives in the 20th century, but in regard to this matter, he is centuries behind the moon. If he is a man who really likes to know he should read, “ The Shadow of Rome,” by John B. Wilder. Wilhelm Dege, South Pasadena, California. FO R TY -N IN TH STA TE HEARD FROM You are to be commended upon the greatly improved magazine— the paper it­ self, the features, the cover pictures. May the Lord bless you richly as you seek to draw others to Him by means of attrac­ tive literature. Ethel B. Hansen, Gospel Missions, Inc., Anchorage, Alaska. COMM ENT FROM RADIO S TA TION OWNER The new KING’S BUSINESS is cer­ tainly lovely. W e have enjoyed the maga­ zine in our home for many years. There has been a definite improvement in the magazine during the past years. Dave Hofer, Jr., Radio Station KRDU, Dinuba, California. E ditor ’ s N ote : Dave and Egon Hofer, owners of Radio Station KRDU, Dinuba, are both graduates of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles. Their station has just increased power by a substantial wattage covering the important Dinuba-Fresno area of Central California. SEMINARY PRESIDENT WRITES Allow me to express a word of apprecia­ tion for your fine “Message from the Editor” in the November KING’S BUSI­ NESS. It is refreshing to find a leader in Christian education thinking so clearly on one of the important issues of our day. I have commended the editorial to our students for their reading and trust it will do a great deal of good. W e continue to follow your work and the institution you represent with a great deal of interest and trust the Lord’s full blessing will fall upon you. John F. Walvoord, Th.D., President, Dallas Theo­ logical Seminary, Dallas, Texas. EXTRA COPY, ANYONE? I am wondering if any of your readers have an extra copy of the May, 1957 edi­ tion of THE KING’S BUSINESS. I am interested in getting the special article by Dr. Louis T. Talbot on Seventh-day Adventism. If someone would just lend it, it would be helpful. Thank you for what­ ever help you may be able to give. Rav. Norman F. Doufy, 1143 Marigold Ava., East Lansing, Michigan.

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