King's Business - 1961-02

finally arrived at in about 1791. One scholar estimates that there have been over 500 attempts to revise the KING JAMES Version in whole or in part. Perhaps we shall eventually agree on a version that will be almost uni­ versally acceptable. But as of now, and on into the foreseeable future, the KING JAMES Version will re­ main the best-loved version of the English Bible. The KING JAMES Bible justly de­

to be made in 1611 and 1612. New editions of the KING JAMES BIBLE have been produced in almost every year since then. The new version was an immediate success, but it took 30 years for it to completely displace the favorite GENEVA Version. Oddly enough, the Puritans, who had suggested to King James in the first place that a new version of the Bible was needed, were among the last to accept it. When the

C l ass i f i ed Ads


Bibles and Books Scofield Bible — Retail and Wholesale — All Editions — Fresh Stock — Gold Stamping — Thum b Index — Fowler's Christian Book Store, U 3 Main Street, Hamburg, New York._______ Religious libraries purchased. Baker Book House, Dept. KB, Grand Rapids 6, Michigan. Old Bibles rebound. A price, binding and style to meet every need. All types of binding, rebinding. W rite for illustrated folder, prices. Norris Book­ binding Co., Greenwood, Mississippi. FREE— "The Blasphemy Against the Holy Ghost (The Unpardonable Sin). Twelve pages. Reprint from Bibliotheca Sacra. FREE! Keith L. Brooks beautiful Easter story, "The Message of a Lily (16 pages). Word Publishers, Box 444, Kaufman, Texas. Wanted Christians who are interested in the effective evangelization of Los Angeles and who are will­ ing to follow precise instructions. Generous re­ wards. Call FRontier 6-4628. Wanted qualified Male Chef. Large Westcoast Rescue Mission. Seventy-five on Staff and twelve to sixteen hundred needy men daily. Must be born-again Christian. Give qualifications, age_ and all references first letter. Write King's Business Box 200. Wanted man Chef, and Wife, to manage dining room year-round Christian Boys/ Camp, sponsored by large Westcoast Rescue Mission. Prefer couple under 50. No children. Give qualifications, age and all references first letter. Write King's Busi­ ness Box 201. Christian non-profit organization needs staff workers. Single or married. Board, room, com­ pensation. Write P.O. Box 202, Seattle 11, Washington. Miscellaneous FIFTY PLASTICRAFT STYLE RICHLY EMBOSSED Scripture Texts on shiny white pastels, $1.00. They are beautiful. Many samples, particulars, 25c. Standard Specialties, Box 4382, San Fran­ cisco, Calif. Music Correct ond singoble hymn music composed, ar­ ranged, edited and printed. Folders free. Ray­ mond Iden (KB), Mount Vernon, Ohio. M ISS IONARY WORK IN BELG IUM Yes, - since 1917, under the auspices of TH E BELGIAN GOSPEL MISSION Mr. and Mrs. Ralph C. Norton, Founders Literature and speakers available. Contact John S. Kimber, representative OWen 7-348 1907 N. Cypress St., La Habra, California The Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Inc. Stewardship Department 558 S. Hope St., Los Angeles 17, Calif. I am interested in: □ TH E SPONSORSHIP PLAN □ TH E BIOLA FELLOWSHIP □ TH E INVESTMENT INCOME □ TH E CHR ISTIAN 'S W ILL □ TH E TRUSTEE A CCO UN T Name ..... .......................................... Address ................................ - ______ City ......................................... Zone. State .................................................. (See ad on adjoining page)

Mr. Wiens and an early King James Bible.

serves its fame and continuing popu­ larity. It was produced at a time when Shakespeare and his contempor­ ary Elizabethans were instilling new vigor and beauty into our language. No other book has ever had a greater influence on the minds and hearts of a great people. God has blessed it and used it to spread the knowledge of the Gospel, to instill a sense of right and justice, to fire the imagination of countless poets and writers of all classes of society, and to strengthen the vocabulary of almost all our great politicians and statesmen including such men as Lincoln, Webster, and Wilson. To the end of time it will be loved and cherished by those who know great literature as well as those who need comfort and instruction.

pilgrim fathers settled in America in 1620 they still used only the older GENEVA Version. And during the years when the Puritans were in power after Charles I had been be­ headed, they passed legislation to re­ vise the KING JAMES BIBLE — a project that was never carried out be­ cause they were thrown out of power. The first editions of the KING JAMES Bible were printed in Old English Black Letter type as this was at the time still preferred by the church authorities. Our modem edi­ tions of the KING JAMES Version vary in many details from the origi­ nal. Several hundred obsolete words and many printers errors have been eliminated by succeeding refinements and revisions. Our present text was



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