NEW INTERESTI IN PROPHECY ! Introduction to Prophecy By Elsa Raud, Editor, Author and Educator. INTRODUCTION by Dean of Grace Prof. Herman A. Hoyt, Theological Seminary
A MESSAGE from the editor During the days of our Lord's earthly ministry there was in existence a sect known as Pharisees. Undoubtedly this group of individuals was as religious as any group has ever been, before or since that time. Yet it was to them and concerning them that our Lord pronounced His most scathing denunciation. Matthew has recorded some of His searching words: "Woe unto you, Scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites . . . ye fools and blind . . . ye blind guides which strain at a gnat and swallow a camel . . . ye make clean the outside of the cup and of the platter, but within they are full of extortion and excess . . . ye are like whited sepulchres which indeed appear beautiful outward but are within full of dead men's bones and of all unclean ness . . . ye serpents, ye generation of vipers, how can ye escape the damnation of hell? (Matthew 23:13-33). In view of the fact that our Lord ministered to publi cans and sinners, thereby having personal contact with them while at the same time speaking so vigorously against the Pharisees of His day, we do well to consider some of the reasons why He said what He did concerning them. As a background, certain facts about the Pharisees need to be kept in mind. First, they were all very learned men; second, doubtless they were highly respected by the com mon people as very religious men; third, they stood out in any company of people as the religious leaders of their day and were acknowledged as such; fourth they were well acquainted with the Scriptures of the day, namely our Old Testament ; fifth, they knew the prophetic Scriptures con cerning the coming of the Messiah; sixth, they completely rejected Jesus Christ as the Messiah who was to come, not believing Him to be the Son of God manifest in the flesh; seventh, they violently opposed Christ in all that He said and did, and they did everything possible to persuade the common people to reject Him; eighth, they were largely in strumental in bringing the Lord to trial and in having Him crucified on Calvary's cross. However, the most significant fact concerning the at titude of the Pharisees was that they rejected the Lord Jesus Christ and all that He claimed to be. If He had not claimed to be God and one with the Father, it is likely that the Pharisees would have accepted Him as a great teacher and one of the prophets and all would have been well be tween them and Him. But the Pharisees were endeavoring to obtain salvation for their souls through personal merit and their own good works. And so because the Lord clearly stated, "Ye must be born again," and told them, in effect, that the only way of salvation was through personal faith in Him, they rejected Him. That salvation could be secured only by humbling oneself in simple faith and believing in Him as Saviour, instead of trusting the works of the law in which they placed so much confidence and about which they boasted so loudly, was repugnant to these self-right eous Pharisees. Therefore they repudiated him, and He, in turn, leveled His strongest words of denunciation against them. There is an alarming similarity between many of the religious leaders of our day and the Pharisees of our Lord's time. Religion, as such, is becoming increasingly popu lar. However, alas, it is a completely "bloodless re ligion, " a form of godliness which denies "the power there-
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