p le a s e p ra y for the nine million people in the
Dr. Billy Graham was featured speak er at a recent banquet sponsored by Wycliffe Bible Translators in Char lotte, North Carolina. Jungle Avia-
Mrs. Dorothy C. Haskins, member of the staff of World Vision, has been given a special assignment to aid Japanese evangelical m i s s i o n a r y groups in the field of writing. Rev. Harold H. Etling, National Fel lowship of Brethren Churches, has been elected President of the Na tional Sunday School Association, ac cording to word received from Dr. Clate Risley, executive secretary of NSSA. Rev. Clarence R. Gerig, Mission ary Church Association is vice-presi dent. Dr. Bob Jones Jr., president of Bob Jones University, was selected as fea tured speaker on a recent coast-to- coast television presentation of “ Lamp Unto My Feet,” produced by the Columbia Broadcasting System. A number of the distinctive art collec tions from the University were used at Christmas time on the special NBC TV program, “ The Coming of Christ.” Dr. Bob Pierce, president of World Vision, continues to move plans for ward for the month long Tokyo Cru- Meiji auditorium, Tokyo sade of World Vision to be held May 6 - June 5 in the 10,000 seat Meiji Auditorium. The evangelical thrust represents 100 years of Protestant missionary work in Japan. Mr. Edward D. Simpson has been ap pointed Chairman of a special ad visory council established to give guidance to Christian education pro grams offered in Bible institutes and Bible colleges. A joint grant by Scrip ture Press, Standard Publishing, David C. Cook, and Gospel Light Press has made the unique ministry possible, coordinated through the Ac crediting Association of Bible Col leges. Dr. Cordas C. Burnett, chairman for the 19th annual National Association of Evangelicals Convention has an nounced that Dr. Harold J. Ockenga will be key speaker for this year’s conclave meeting in Grand Rapids, Michigan. Dates are April 10- 14. Dr. Armin Gess- wein will lead the special prayer serv ices for the convention.
W O R L D ’S LA R GE ST C I T Y Tonyo crusade May 6 through June 5/1961
DR. BOB PIERCE, President W O R L D V IS I O N , I N C ., jtox 0. Pasadena, Calif, or World Vision of Canada, Box 181K, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Billy Graham at Charlotte tion and Radio Service (JAARS) re cently established its world headquar ters in the Eastern city. Dr. Carl Bihl, vice-president of Youth for Christ International will head the 12th annual YFC Director’s School to be held this month at Lake Geneva, Wisconsin. Dr. John H. Fadenrecht of ’Wheaton College, has been elected president of the Evangelical Teacher Placement Agency which was established in 1959 to meet the problem of teacher shortages in evangelical institutions of higher learning. Dr. S. A. Witmer is director of the group. Dr. Franklin Olson, a Chicago medical doctor, has been selected to direct planning for a new $3,000,000 cam pus of Trinity Theological Seminary to be located at Bannockburn, Illinois. Dr. Horace Dean, founder and direc tor of the Christ for America evange listic association, has announced that the organization will terminate its activities after nearly 18 years of serv ice. Dr. Dean will be assistant pastor of Grace Chapel, Havertown, Penn sylvania. Mr. Dave Wertheimer and Miss Pamela Beaird are featured in the new Gospel Films production, “ The H i g h e s t Mountain” soon to be released. Loca-
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