BARTHOLOMEWS storage and information pack 2024

Guidance Notes on Farm Assurance It remains the obligation of all suppliers from whom we buy goods to ensure that the goods they provide are at all times accredited under a recognisable farm assurance scheme. All grain committed to Shoreham Silo Services regardless of storage scheme (whether short or long term), must be farm assured. Full Assurance is preferred, but Temporary Assurance is acceptable. However, growers should note that the current temporary storage scheme, which may be subject to change, only covers good delivered up to 31 October. It has become a requirement of all trade assurance schemes, together with independent audits from millers and maltsters, that first receiver facilities like Shoreham actively monitor the status of grain being presented at the facility to ensure it is always assured. Where the farm concerned is a single site, the registration process is straightforward. However, complications can arise where grain is grown on multiple sites.

Changes in account details

Please use this form to advise us of any changes in your account information including telephone numbers and loading contacts. You do not need to complete the form if your details are unchanged from last year.

For multi-site farms, the position as it currently stands is as follows: Farmer A must have valid, up to date, assurance for the storage and production of his own crops on his own farm. Farmer A must include within his own assurance the locations of any satellite farms where he (or another party) is producing crops under his own name (even if these crops are transferred to the Supplier’s own facility for storage and/or collection). Farmer B can sell goods produced from his own farm as Farm Assured, if Farmer A has included the production location on his own registration (as above) and that production has been audited by the certification body. We are also required to check that grain we collect from any farm is being loaded at a location that is itself included on the farmers assurance registration. This will usually be confirmed by postcode prior to collection. You can help us maintain the speed and efficiency of our collection service hugely by making sure your registration does reference all the locations from which you might ask us to collect.

Account Title:

Store Location:

Account Address:

Loading Contact:

Phone Numbers:


Phone numbers:




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