Shoreham silos Shoreham Silo Services is our primary export facility handling in excess of 250,000 tonnes of cereals, pulses and rapeseed each year. Through our continued investment, the facility was expanded with the addition of a 24,000 mt. grain store in 2012 further enhancing its widely recognised reputation as a preferred origin for quality shipments of UK grains. Our laboratories Our fully equipped TASCC laboratories in Chichester and Shoreham provide us with all the information we need to maximise the marketing of your grain. Our FOSS Infratec NIR grain analysers are calibrated using the industry standard ring-testing against 37 laboratories from six continents ensuring unparalleled levels of accuracy during testing.
What do we offer?
Our transport fleet Widely regarded by farmers as offering the highest service levels, Churchill Freight Services (a subsidiary of Bartholomews Holdings) provide a complete haulage solution. With their impressive infrastructure, underpinned by up to 100 lorries, they can respond efficiently and reliably to growers needs.
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