Q : Are there any Marketing Charges for selling my grain?
Q : What are the pool marketing and movement periods?
Q : When will I get paid for my crops?
Q : What are your Drying Charges?
A : No. We do not charge any marketing charges for participation.
A : Both Pools commence marketing from the closing date for entry each year. The Short Pool is marketed for July and August delivery. The Long Pool is marketed for delivery from August through to July of the following year.
A : Active Marketing contracts are paid on 28-day terms. Pool contracts are paid 25th October 2024 for the Short Pool and 25th August 2025 for the Long Pool.
CEREALS 14.0% up to 15.0% - £1.89 per tonne per % 15.1% up to 19.0% - £2.58 per tonne per % 19.1% up to 23% - £3.40 per tonne per % 23.1% up to 25% - £5.16 per tonne per %
Q : Do you average grain allowances and haulage costs?
Q : Will you accept any variety?
9.1% up to 12.0% - £2.58 per tonne per % 12.1% up to 16.0% - £3.40 per tonne per % 16.1% up to 20% - £5.16 per tonne per %
A : No. Grain allowances (if any) and haulage rates relate to your own goods and there is no averaging of these costs.
Q : Can I take a payment advance?
A : We will accept the following varieties:
GROUP 1 MILLING WHEAT Zyatt Crusoe Mulika Skyfall Illustrious
GROUP 2 MILLING WHEAT Siskin Palladium Extase
GROUP 3 MILLING WHEAT Zulu Firefly Claire Scout Merit Elicit Astronomer Illuminate
A : Yes. Once the crops are safely received, Bartholomews Agri Food Ltd (BAF) can provide forward advances of up to 90% for Long Pool contracts / Long Active contracts (if they have been forward price fixed). Interest is charged at 3.00% over the Bank of England base rate. Regular monthly payment options are also available. BAF reserves the right to withdraw the Advance Payment Option at any time without prior notice. BAF reserves the right to apply contra‘s to any overdue amounts relating to SSS charges on your account.
14.1% up to 18.0% - £2.58 per tonne per % 18.1% up to 21.0% - £3.40 per tonne per % 21.1% up to 24.0% - £5.16 per tonne per %
Q : Can I sell my crops forward?
Drying charges subject to review and amendment in June 2024.
A : Yes. Crops can be sold forward at a fixed price at any time or left un-priced. For short term storage contracts, the market price on the day of delivery will apply if
Cordiale Chilham Cochise
still unpriced at that time. Long term contracts can be priced in advance of harvest, or at any time throughout the ensuing marketing season.
Laureate / Planet MILLING OATS Mascani / Elyann / Isabel
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