

Jennifer Greenspoon Great Neck UFSD

Stacy Gulisano West Hempstead UFSD

Ms. Stacy Gulisano is a 7th and 8th-grade FACS teacher at West Hempstead Secondary School. Ms. Gulisano has been a member of the #RamFam for the past 12 years in the Fine, Performing, and Culinary Arts Department and integrates technology into all aspects of her FACS curriculum. She is also the Junior Virtual Enterprise Teacher, in which instructional technology is an essential aspect of the curriculum in marketing, graphic design, and communications. Ms. Gulisano uses technology to blend the hands-on skills in her classroom within the units of sewing, cooking, finance, entrepreneurship, and food science. She uses programs like Book Creator and Canva to promote digital literacy and project-based learning across all her courses. For example, she created PBLs for students to use Book Creator or Canva to design a meal- kit service. Ms. Gulisano also has the students document their learning with Digital Portfolios using Canva or Google Sites in which students curate their work products and showcase a wide range of knowledge. Ms. Gulisano consistently seeks new ideas to integrate technology into her classroom and is a model teacher who showcases how technology can work alongside hands-on skills. She is a passionate educator who continues to innovate and support different learners to provide rich, meaningful, and authentic learning for her students. Ms. Gulisano designs instructional opportunities for students to connect their skills with real- world professions and experiences. She is a kind, generous, warm, dedicated, and approachable teacher who opens doors for students to pursue their passions in a fun, engaging way.-Dr. Katie DiGregorio

Jennifer Greenspoon is an elementary classroom teacher that engages and empowers learners through her innovative use of technology in the classroom. Ms. Greenspoon has been a pioneer, making significant contributions to the advancement of educational technology at the Baker School, leveraging technology to increase student engagement, enhance active inquiry, and improve student learning. She has also dedicated herself to expanding her own knowledge and expertise, and proactively shares her expertise with other educators. To that end, Ms. Greenspoon serves on our district Inservice Institute committee, where she shares her expertise and guidance in the selection of professional development offerings for our staff members. Ms. Greenspoon has been an integral piece of our technology program from its inception. Through her technological expertise, willingness to try new things, and openness to share with others, Jennifer truly embodies what it means to be a NASTAR. -Dr. Justin Lander

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