THE NEW HOLISTIC RETIREMENT • 9 Since then, Congress hasn't curbed its appetite for slapregnedtianxga. nInd fsapcetn, Cdoinnggbreilslss.continues to debate - and pass - w i l l Ihtamv ei gahltassut irnpgriims epyaocut ot on yl eoaurrnrtehtai rteaml letnhti.s n e w s p e n d i n g If Not Now, When? “WOekahya,v”eyoaub’irgedtheifnickitin.”g, “I get it. Congress spent a lot of money. Most savers know this. But, have you considered how lmonasgsioveurdecfoicuitnstrpyenwdiinllg?bAe ndde, ahlainveg ywouithpretphaereimd fpoarcitt?of this Back in March 2020, when the government was on its historic stimulus spending spree, a reporter asked then - Uc o. Sn. c eTr rneeads uarbyo u tS et hc ree tdaerfyi c i t S. tAe fvteenr a lMl , nt hu ec hgi no v eirfn mheen t wh aads just added two trillion dollars to our nation’s IOUs. ⁶ Mnuchin acknowledged the historic deficit spending, and tnhoetnthaedtdimede: t“oInwdoirfrfyeraebnotuttimit.e”s, we’ll fix the deficit. This is ⁷ DSeidcryeotaurcyatMchnuthchatin? didn’t say, “We don’t have to worry adbeofiucitt.t”he deficit,” or “We have a plan to resolve the growing He just said we shouldn't worry about the deficit right now . 6 7 Claudia Grisales, Kelsey Snell, and Susan Davis. NPR. Ma y 31 , 202 2 . “White Hw owuws e. nSpere. okrsg$/ 12 0T2r 0i l /l i0o 3n /F1r7o/m8 1C6o8n2g2r 2e s1s5 i/nc oCno gr roensasv- iwr ue si gRh es l- ineef wP u- ms ha. s” shi vt tep- s : / / wave-of-emergency-funding-to-address-coronavirus
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