The New Holistic Retirement | Mid-American Wealth


Legislative Risk Iinhyoopueryroeut’ilrlesmtaernt tthsitnrkatineggya.bout the legislative risk you carry W a sIhmi negnt ot ino, nDe. Cd . p, wr eovrikoiunsgl yf otrhma temmybeear sr loyfcCaor ne egrr ews sa.sI sf pt heenrtei’ns oC na pe i ttohli nbgu iIl dlienagr, niet d’ s itnh atth eC ohnaglrl oe swse dc a nh aal llsw aoyf so cuhr a nn agtei otnh’es rules W . hen you save in an IRA or 401(k), your savings are eCxopnogsreeds s tmo alye gcihsal antgi veet arxi sl ka w. Liengtihs leaftui vt eu rrei,sakn di s t ht hoes erci shka nt gheast creatnireemitheenrt fpuonsdistivyeoluygoert tnoekgeaetpiv. ely impact the amount of Qualified accounts—like the IRAs and 401(k)s most of us uT shea tt’ os bs ea cvaeu—s ea, rien pt ha er tsiec ua lcacrol yu nstus s, cyeoput idbel fee rt oy ol eugri st al axtei vs et or itshke. ft uh teudr ae y. Tyho aut t ma keea ynos uervlearsyt rt ea txi rleamw ecnht adni sg ter ibbeuttwi oene nc annoi wm paancdt your savings. What if Congress passes a bill raising tax rates? If the Pmroersei daenndt shi ga nv es ilte si ns t om loanwe,ys ut od ds epne lnydyionu rheat ivree mt oepnat .y I tf hae fIeRwS ya ge aa irns bl aet ehre lCpol ensgsr ae gs sa icnhsat nt hg ee se xy toruarebx rpaecnkseet. Sa ug ar ei n, ,i ty’ so pu ows soi ub ll de thhaaptpCe onns ,girtecsos mwei sl l wd ietchr ea assuenrsaetteps ,e rbiuotd hains tdo trhi cea ll ol ywwt ah xe ens tahri es short-lived—hardly something to rely on. It’s often said, when it comes to retirement, the tax code iosr wt hr ii trtteynyienapr se.nIcti’ ls. Fi mo rpmo sasni byl eo ftuo st, hr ient ki r et amxe lnatwwwi l li lbl es tt awye nt ht ye shaamsne'to. ver such a long period. And, if you look at history, it

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