56 • RUBY, WILDING & SWANSBURG When the majority of your retirement savings are in a qb ue ael si fsi ee nd t ai aclcl yo uunpt , f tohre vvoat leu ee voef ryyotuwr or eytei raer ms . eNnet wa cmc oeumn bt ec rosu ol df Cb eotntgerre s hs oapr ee e loeucrt e d1. 5N0e wmpirl lei os ind e nUt.sS .a r ev osteelresc t ehda. vAen dyyoouur retirement’s best interests in mind. (Spoiler alert: They often don’t.) The Great American Savings Myth TSahvisinrgesalMityytfho.r”ms the basis for what I call the “Great American This is the idea that, for most savers, the most a IR d A va . ntageous way to save is in a tax-deferred account, like an Experts originally thought tax-deferred saving would ht aexl ep sAomn ei nr iccoamn es awv he ri lse pi na ya fheiwg he er rt at ax xe sb. rTahc ke ei td, ewa hwi l ae swt oo rdkei nf egr, and pay those taxes while in a lower bracket when retired. YRoiguhct.an still do that, right? STohewehaysideostI wcaalyl tthoisaans“wmeyrthth?”at question is to look at the generations before us. My grandparents were part of the Greatest Generation. BP aoct hi f ioc ,f ma yn dg r aonndef a tihne r st hfeo u gEhutr ionp eWa onr l dt hWe aatre rI I. —Wo nhee ni n tmh ye ga tr ea na dt pe aa rr leynbt si rrde tsipr ee cdi, at lhs eaynldi vqeudi to nt r aa vset rl iinc tg fti ox ecdo ni nsceor mv eef. uTnhdesy. Ib rsat inl ldrseomdeama nbde rs tt ahret edda yb umyyi nggrSaanmd m’ s oCthhoeirc eq uciotl ab.u y i n g C o k e -
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