CHAPTER TEN w h a St oi f whhi sa tt ahxa pbpreanc sk ei ft Mwaarst y3’ s0 t pa xe er cs ednitd hgiog huepr?, Sl ipkeec imf i ci da dl l lye, quintile brackets were twenty years ago? Dollars and Cents Ienf f etcht ei v eptraexvri oa ut es. I nc htahpi st ecrhsa, pMt ear ,rwt ye ’ ur es egdo i nag tf ol aet v 2a l5u apt ee rwc ehna tt would happen if Marty’s taxes went up 30 percent when the R Rising Taxes By Neil Wilding et hme etmo tba el rt aax ef es wh ecchoaupl tde pr sa ya goon wh ihs eI nR AMi anrrt ey t iarneaml yeznetd? I have news for him: it could be even worse than he projected. Marty assumed his tax rate stayed the same throughout huinsliwkeolryktihnagt yisetaorsocacnudr!retirement. But now you know how In this chapter, I’ll use tax rates as a proxy for all the dB ief cf ekrye ns at i wd aaybso uMt alri tmy ’ist etda xdeesd cuoc ut ilodn sg ,o nuepw (traexme se,mabnedr owt hheart stealthy ways your taxes can rise).
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