The New Holistic Retirement | Mid-American Wealth

84 • RUBY, WILDING & SWANSBURG But, in our experience, very few savers have diversified tehx ep ot as xe ds ttaot ul esgoi sf l taht ievi er rr ei st ki r ae nmde tnht ef ui mn dpsa, cat nodf rt hi sai nt gl e taavxeess t. h e m l d ik ef e e l I y r f r o t e h v d e e v r m e e h x a p i j c o o l r e s i s e t — y d o t I o f R y t A a o s x u , r 4 r i 0 r s e 1 k t ( . i k r e) sm, ae nn dt ftuhnedl si kaerse—s at hv ee nd yi no ut a’ rxe- Thankfully, it’s not too late to take action. That’s Right—It’s Not Too Late Jcue sr tt abi ne ct aa xu sset a tyuosud’ voee ssna’vt emd e ay no ut hr erye’ rt ier es tmu ec kn ti nf ut hnadtst auxnsdt ea rt u as foorreenvteerr. Irtect ai rne fme ee lndt .aBuuntt,i nt hget or i ms kaokfedaoci nhga nngoet haisnygocuo aupl dp rboeafcahr gnreecaetsesra. r Iy’ ma dhj uesrtemteon ttse.l lY oy ou uh: aYvoe ut’ivme egtoot ptliamyet ht oe lmo nagk eg aamn ye with taxes. That was certainly what Marty and his wife discovered. aTnhde yt hl oeoi rk epdo taetn tt hi ael i rt apxo tl ieanbtiilai tl yt ai xn lai a tbai xl i-tfyr ei en vhei sh iIcRl eA ((mh iug chh) lroi swk earn) .d Tr hi sei yn gl ot ao xkeesd ( ah ti gthh)e ai rn dc ut rhroeungt het xapboosuutr teh teoi r l pe gr ei sf leartri ev de exposure (much lower). So, they decided to convert a portion of their retirement ac os snevtesr tf ri nogma bh oi su tI RaAt hi inrtdo oaf Mt a ax r- ft rye’ se I aRcAc,oournat .r oTuhne dy $e2n0d0e ,d0 0u0p. Tmhoi rs eg satvaeb ti hl i et yma an dh epdr ge ed iacgt aa ibni sl itt yr i isni ntgh et ai rx ef us taunr de at al lxo wb i el lds . tNh eo mw ot hbavti owuos lryk, ebvees rt yfoonr ey' so us i twu ai ltl i obne ids i fdf ei frf ee nr et nat s, swo etlhl . eWs oel uatrieonn'st ae svseur ymoinneg. tWh ahta at wR oe t ha r eI RrAe ccoomn vmeer snidoinn gi s, tthhoeu rgihg,hits mt hoavte yfoour

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