THE NEW HOLISTIC RETIREMENT • 85 cf uotnusri ed, ear n ydotuark eo ws t ne p ps et ros omnaanl atgaex ysoi ut ur act ui or nr e nn to we x paonsdu ri ne at nh de potential legislative risks. Marty’s New Strategy To fh ye or eu ra rf ue nvdasr iaonuds et onos lusr ye ot uh ac ta snoums ee toof yd oi vuerr rs ei ftyi rtehme et anxt as tsas teut ss can grow and be spent tax-free. You’ve likely heard of tools like Roth IRAs and Roth 4c o0u1n( kt e) rs p. aRr ot st,h wai tchc oounnet sb iogp de ri faf teer e jnucset. Il ni k ea tt rhaedi ri t i no no na l- RI Ro tAh, saac vc eesrssi ncgotnhter ifbuuntdes i np rree-ttiar ex mdeonltl.aIrnsa Ra no dt h IaRrAe , ctoanxterdi b uwt ihoenns areretiremmaednet dollars and can be accessed in Roth accounts are popular for a reason: They can be a gl irkeeal ith owoady t ht oa t pt ar ox et escwt isl larviesresi nf rtohme f ul et ug irsel.a t i v e r i s k a n d t h e Marty and his wife considered a Roth conversion for their fwu enrdes cbount c ue lrtni me da taebl yo uc th ot hs ee as advi ef fre’ sr edni tl etma xm- f ar eMe as rt rt ya t de igsyc. uTs hs ee dy ianr eCuhsaupat el lry Fi doeunr t. i Sc ai nl cteo tt hh ee ii nn vv ee ss tt mm ee nn tt oo pp tt ii oo nn ss iinn tRr aodt hi t iIoRnAasl cIRhAalsl,enMgaerst.y felt a Roth only handled half his long game Marty and his wife ultimately picked a tax-free strategy u( IsUi nLg) . aG rt yopwet ho fploi ftee ni nt isaul riannsci de ec ahlilse dI UILn dpeoxlei cdy Urneilvi eesr soanl Lt ihf ee cwoi nf ec ekpnt eowf i nt hd iesx i snogl uwt ieo np r envoito uosnl yl y d ai sdcdursessesde. dM tahr et yi r a lnedg ahci ys planning needs by providing a tax-free death benefit, but it
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