Cleaning, IR Drying (CONT’D FROM PAGE 50)
drying effect. It’s a common misconception that more and more power and even bigger, wider cassettes are needed to achieve a strong drying result. We have conducted extensive tests that show that there can be too much energy into the ink and having a large module, or lots of energy per print unit, can actually be counterproductive as the ink film layer can only absorb so much energy. Overheating can also result in pigment melting which reverses the drying effect. A more targeted system, intelligently controlled, and with minimal interven- tion is the most efficient and best-performing solution. Beyond profitability, companies are continually striving to be more sustainable and the two can be achieved hand in hand with good, reliable, proven equipment. Case by case, we hear from printers using state-of-the-art cleaning and drying technologies that they are reaping the benefits by hitting targets that they’ve never hit before in produc- tion, so it’s quite proven. We’re having many repeat cus- tomers come back for new machines that they’re investing in retrofitting old machines as well. There’s a need for printers to adapt and invest in the latest automated technology to increase time and to be- come more competitive. There’s no doubt these technolo- gies will become a standard installation on new machines in the future and the trend is already evident. On the cutting edge, alongside cleaning and drying technology, are inspection systems that complete a fully CONTINUED ON PAGE 54
tomers. This contributes to a loss of operating efficiency. Printers are reliant on their operators to go into the unit to clean off the defects and get the machine running again. And it’s all lost time on a regular basis on each and every single job, every shift, every day, many times over. Automation removes all the manual requirements to clean and dry the plate with just a push of a button in one pass, with the ability to clean and dry each and every plate singly or consecutively throughout the machine. All of the ink and all of the paper fibers can be easily captured in each single clean in a matter of minutes with systems that require only seconds of contact with the printing plate in the production room versus 10 minutes on average with each stop for an operator to do it manually. Today’s state-of-the-art automated cleaning technolo- gy can save around 98 percent of time from stopping the press during production and 80 percent of time lost at the beginning and end of a print run, so the return on invest- ment is significant. Looking Ahead Over the past few years, the corrugated print industry has seen a sharp rise in the demand for increased print quality and complexity. Printers are seeking presses with more print units to achieve this quality work and the com- plexity of color, with this, there has been a trend of inte- grating lots of energy into presses to achieve a better
Let’s Tell Our Recycling Story
Investment, Jobs Created, Tons Produced
Rick Van Horne, Director of Creative Marketing Corrugated Supplies Corp. LLC
April 4, 2022
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