
Italy, Europe’s largest producer of specialty crops, is the leading producer of grapes and tomatoes and the second largest producer of lettuce, apples, almonds and broccoli. Spain, the second largest producer of specialty crops, is the top producer of strawberries, lettuce, broccoli and almonds and the second largest producer of tomatoes. France, the third largest producer of specialty crops, is the third largest producer of grapes, apples and broccoli.

France is notable as its production has fallen at a rate of 2.1 percent per year since 2013. 54 This has been driven mainly by a fall in grape production, as well as a decline in apples and chicory production. As observed by growers in France, much of the crop migration out of the country is driven by low-price and mass market crop production leaving the country. While high in quality, less price-fo- cused crops are continuing to stay within the country.

54 Crop production in standard humidity | Eurostat

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