
Inside Cover A — June 27 - July 10, 2014 — 1 -( % 80%28-'

Real Estate Journal


‰ Environmental Due Diligence ‰ LSRP Services ‰ Soil & Groundwater Remediation ‰ UST Removals ‰ Groundwater Modeling ‰ Brownfields Site Work ‰ TSDF Liability Reviews ‰ Permit Applications & Monitoring Our clients’ needs are what matter. Understanding and managing risk is a critical success factor for our clients. Our services are all focused on: ‡ Addressing your environmental issues cost effectively and completely ‡6WUDWHJLFDOO\SRVLWLRQLQJ\RXUFRPSDQ\WRPHHWWKHLUHQYLURQPHQWDO challenges while protecting your bottom line ‡(QDEOLQJ\RXWRGHYHORSVWUDWHJLHVWKDWZLOOPDLQWDLQ\RXUFRPSDQ\¶V reputation for environmental stewardship ‡7DNLQJWKH³ZRUU\´RXWRI\RXUHQYLURQPHQWDOLVVXHVVRWKDW\RXFDQ concentrate on running your business Our services include: ‰ Environmental Site Assessments ‰ Environmental Compliance Consulting ‰ Site Investigations & Compliance ‰ ISO 14001 Consulting, Auditing & Training ‰ Health & Safety Web-Based Training ‰ Remedial Investigation/Feasibility Studies ‰ Remediation System Design & Installation ‰ Treatment System Operation & Maintenance In today’s economy it is important that you receive a favorable rate of return for every dollar you invest in environmental services. ENVISION structures our services to our client’s specific needs. We cost effectively address our client’s immediate environmental issues, while at the same time positioning our clients to meet their future environmental challenges. We provide solutions to tomorrow’s environmental issues, today.

Visit www.envisionenvironmental.com/impact to learn more about us

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For further information, please contact: Mark P. Roman markroman@envisionenvironmental.com


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