
Real Estate Journal — Owners, Developers & Managers — June 27 - July 10, 2014 — 3B


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O WNERS , D EVELOPERS & M ANAGERS 2QWKHKHHOVRI3ODQHW)LWQHVVÀWRXWFRPSOHWLRQ Gillis Gilkerson hired to manage OceanCityBeachPatrol HQproject



O CEAN CITY, MD — Gillis Gilkerson , a trusted general con- tracting and constructionman- agement firm on Delmarva, has been hired to manage the construction of the new Ocean CityBeachPatrol headquarters in downtown Ocean City. Gillis *LONHUVRQZDVRQHRIWZRÀUPV to make oral presentations out of six proposals submitted for the job. Ocean City staff unanimously recommended to the Mayor and City Council to award the contract to Gillis Gilkerson at a recent city coun- cil session. “As we are currently con- structing the new Fire Station 4 in North Ocean City, this project gives us the opportunity to provide an additional layer of support to the personnel work- ing to ensure the safety of com- munity members and tourists visiting the town,” said Dwight Miller , president, Gillis Gilk- erson. “With a project such as this, time is of the essence. We take the pre-construction phase very seriously and commit to staying ahead of schedule and on budget.” Gillis Gilkerson will work with Becker Morgan Group Architects to guarantee the proper materials and methods DUHVSHFLÀHGWRSURGXFHDTXDO - ity building within budget and under the projected timeline. Once the Beach Patrol Head- quarters design is complete, the constructionmanagement team from Gillis Gilkerson will ob- tain bids from sub-contractors and construction will begin in September, 2014 and is esti- mated to be complete by the summer of 2015. In Addition.. . Gillis Gilkerson announced WKHFRPSOHWLRQRIWKHFXVWRPÀW out of the 17,500 s/f Planet Fit- ness gym in the College Square Shopping Center at 125 West College Ave., Salisbury, MD. The project was fast tracked to meet an eight week timeline. Interior work was complete in a little over seven weeks and WKHÀWQHVVFHQWHUGRRUVRSHQHG for business inNovember, 2013. The complete interior fit RXW IRU WKH QHZ ÀWQHVV FHQWHU included new HVAC systems, electrical and lighting systems, which included the installation of LED lighting, shower areas, relaxation areas and multiple audio video systems. The build- ing is also equipped with mo- tion detectors and designated tanning rooms. „


Ocean City Beach Patrol headquarters rendering

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