
www.marejournal.com O WNERS , D EVELOPERS & M ANAGERS C ONTRACTORS & S UBCONTRACTORS The NJ ABC mission is the advancement of the merit shop construction philosophy ABC’s membership represents all specialties within the U.S. construction industry T he NewJersey Asso- ciated Builders and Contractors (ABC) ‡2QOLQHFRQWUDFWRUVHDUFK directory 1 -( % 80%28-' Real Estate Journal — Owners, Developers & Managers — June 27 - July 10, 2014 — 7B

ABC was founded in 1950 when seven contractors gath- ered in Baltimore, MD. to create an association based on the shared belief that con- struction projects should be awarded on merit to the most TXDOLÀHGDQGUHVSRQVLEOHORZ bidders. their courage and dedication to the merit shop philosophy spread rapidly, and within time, abc became the fastest-growing associa- tion in the united states. Today, ABC is recognized as one of the leading organiza- tions representing America’s business community and the U.S. construction industry. we look forward to welcoming each of you to our ABC family and to the home of merit shop excellence. Please visit our web site www.abcnjc.org or visit us at our social media sites on facebook, linkedin or twitter. For more information contact Patrick Stewart – 609-989- 9110 „ showroom. Removing a central stair- well now provides views from WKH VHFRQG ÁRRU RYHU D QHZ glass railing to the newly tiled showroom below. A full 17-bay service area was completely UHQRYDWHG RQ WKH ÀUVW ÁRRU below the River Rd. street level. At 15,000 s/f, the new facility is three times the size of the dealership’s former showroom. The architects for the Smythe Volvo project were Schier & Lesser Ar- chitecture Studio, LLC , and the engineers were Becht Engineering . “Breathing new life into old challenging buildings is one of our strongest skill sets. The new building shines on this main corridor and we were proud to be a part of it,” said Chris Johnson , CEO of Hol- lister Construction Services. „

mission is the advancement of the merit shop construction philosophy, which encour- ages open competition and a free-enterprise approach that awards contracts based solely on merit, regardless of labor DIÀOLDWLRQ$%&1-UHSUHSUH - sents over 200 member com- panies and over 20,000 merit contractors across the state. 7KURXJKLWVQDWLRQDORIÀFH and chapters, ABC’s objec- tive is to provide its members with an organization to deal with issues on an industry- wide basis. ABC’s activities include: ‡ Government representation ‡/HJDODGYRFDF\ ‡(GXFDWLRQ ‡:RUNIRUFHGHYHORSPHQW ‡&RPPXQLFDWLRQV ‡7HFKQRORJ\ ‡ 1DW L RQDO   FKDSWHU awards programs ‡(PSOR\HHEHQHÀWV ‡ Information on best practices ‡%XVLQHVVGHYHORSPHQW SUMMIT, NJ — Hollis- ter Construction Services (Hollister) , a full-service con- struction manager specializ- ing in corporate, educational, healthcare, industrial, retail, and residential construction, has completed the renovation of the former Barnes Chev- rolet building on River Rd. in Summit, creating the new home of Smythe Volvo which celebrates its grand opening today. The project entailed gutting the building down to its block wall shell and replacing the existing brick façade with a new two-story glass curtain wall system. The original building was built as an urban car dealership, with roof-top parking. This area received SRO\WXII HSR[\ ÁRRULQJ DQG a canopy of solar panels to FUHDWHDQRSHQDLUWKLUGÁRRU

Hollister Construction Services completes major renovation project for Volvo dealership

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