
12B — June 27 - July 10, 2014 — Owners, Developers & Managers — 1 -( % 80%28-'

Real Estate Journal


C ONTRACTORS /S UBCONTRACTORS 2014 Project of the Year awarded by Mid-Atlantic CMAA Boyle Construction wins award for multi-million dollar Crayola Experience


LLENTOWN, PA — Creating a unique visitor experience for

one of childhood’s most iconic brands is no easy task. For- tunately, Crayola did not need to look far to hire Boyle Construction to manage the multi-million dollar renova- tion of the Crayola Experi- ence. The two Lehigh Valley companies teamed last year WRUHKDELOLWDWHÀYHFRQQHFWHG historic buildings in downtown Easton for the new Crayola Experience. Boyle’s construction man- agement services was lauded recently by the Construction Management Association of America which awarded WKHÀUPD3URMHFWRIWKH Year Award from the Mid At- lantic Chapter for private sec- WRUSURMHFWVXQGHUPLOOLRQ “It’s nice to have our work recognized but a bigger reward is seeing how successful the Crayola Experience turned out,” said Sean Boyle , presi- dent of Boyle Construction. “A global company like Crayola has a lot of options when it comes to constructionmanage- ment. The Lehigh Valley busi- ness connection is strong and we’re always happy to work with a local company.” &RQVWUXFWLRQRQWKHSURMHFW ODVWHGZHHNV7KHVI Crayola Experience features XQLTXHH[KLELWVFUHDWHGH[ - clusively for Crayola as well as FXVWRPL]HG ÁRRULQJ À[WXUHV and crayon columns. “Our transformation to the new Crayola Experience has been astounding. It’s taken our at- traction, which draws roughly  SHRSOH SHU \HDU LQWR downtown Easton, to a whole new, colorful level,” Crayola Experience general manager Dan Aylward said. „

Blue Restaurant Fine dining — Bethlehem, PA

Crayola Experience Tourist attraction — Easton, PA

— 2013 EXCELLENCE IN BUSINESS AWARD WINNER — Greater Lehigh Valley Chamber of Commerce

484-223-0726 | www.boyleconstruction.com LEHIGH VALLEY, PENNSYLVANIA

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