
Real Estate Journal — Owners, Developers & Managers — June 27 - July 10, 2014 — 15B


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C ONTRACTORS /S UBCONTRACTORS For Newark Liberty International Airport in Newark, NJ

GSH Group wins two year contract to provide maintenance repair and emergency services N EWARK, NJ — GSH Group, Inc. , a multi-national fa-

erized maintenance man- agement system for work planning and labor tracking. Journeymen are equipped with handheld devices for electronic dispatch and re- ceipt of work orders, cutting down on administrative pa- perwork while permitting PRUHWLPHLQWKHÀHOG GSH account manager Dean Clark said, “GSH is excited to begin this new op- portunity at Newark Liberty International Airport and we look forward to exceeding the Port’s expectations on this contract.” „

cilities and energy manage- ment provider throughout the United States, Europe and India, announced that it has been awarded a two year contract with three two-year option periods with the Port Authority of NJ & NY. The contract is for support of the cooling towers at Newark Liberty International Air- port located in Newark, New Jersey. Contract start of March 2014, GSH provides full in- spection, testing, cleaning and maintenance, and re- pairs services on the Marley cooling towers, located at the Airport. In addition, GSH maintains the gearboxes, driveshaft, fan blades, heat exchanger coils and peerless vertical turbine pumps at the tower. GSH services this contract with its skilled roving jour- neymen workforce supported by the company’s in-house call center. GSH’s call center is operational 24/7/365 and is furnished with a comput- BRAVO! Group Svcs. announces new '30&&ODVVLÀFDWLRQ GREEN BROOK, NJ — BRAVO! Group Services, Inc. announced that its Con- trol Temp Mechanical Ser- vices division has received the Division of Property Manage- PHQW &RQVWUXFWLRQ&ODVVLÀ - cation to perform HVAC and electrical public work in the State of New Jersey. 7RUHFHLYHWKHFODVVLÀFDWLRQ Control TempMechanical Ser- vices had to meet the following stringent requirements: ‡3URRIRIVXFFHVVIXOO\FRP - pleted contracts of equal or greater value ‡ 3URYLGH ELG DQG SHUIRU - mance bonding ‡3URYHQUHFRUGRIFRPSOHW - ing projects on time ‡ 1- (OHFWULFDO /LFHQVH #9747A “Receiving the New Jersey '30& &ODVVLÀFDWLRQ ZLOO DO - low Control Temp Mechanical Services to offer the profes- sional services we are pro- viding to the private sector to the many public sector projects throughout the state” said Gary Giambatista , vice president of operations. „

Newark Liberty International Airport

AJM Contractors, Inc. Paving and Concrete Contractors Road Construction Site and Utility Parking Lots Retaining Walls Sidewalks Curbs 300 Kuller Road, Clifton, NJ 07011

P: (973) 772-9292 F: (973) 772-9222

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