
Hazel of Sustainable Systems provides consulting services Mack-Cali’s Parsippany property DFKLHYHV/(('*ROGFHUWLÀFDWLRQ G REEN B UILDINGS 1 -( % 80%28-'

Real Estate Journal — Green Buildings — June 27 - July 10, 2014 — 17B


ARS IPPANY , NJ — Mack-Cali Real- ty Corporation an- nounced that 5 Wood Hol- low Rd. in Parsippany, has received LEED for Existing Buildings: Operations &Main- WHQDQFH*ROGFHUWLÀFDWLRQIURP the U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC) . 5 Wood Hollow Rd. is the 13th com- mercial property in New Jer- sey to receive this prestigious award. The LEED for Existing Buildings: O&M rating sys- tem recognizes maximized operational efficiency with minimized environmental impact. It addresses clean- ing and maintenance issues, including chemical use, re- cycling programs, exterior maintenance programs, and system upgrades. It is the only LEED rating system under which projects can demon- VWUDWHDFWXDOHQHUJ\HIÀFLHQF\ P VILLANOVA , PA — Manko, Gold, Katcher & Fox, LLP (MGKF) , the en- vironmental, energy and land use law and litigation firm based in Bala Cynwyd, PA, was recognized by Lower Merion Twp. at their “Go for Green” Awards ceremony on May 15 at Appleford Estates in Villanova. The firm was the recipient of the Commer- cial Award for their use of sustainable design and con- VWUXFWLRQLQWKHÀWRXWRIWKHLU QHZRIÀFHVXLWHRQWKHQLQWK ÁRRURI&LW\$YHLQ%DOD Cynwyd, PA. MGKF’s commercial inte- rior buildout project achieved /((' *ROG FHUWLÀFDWLRQ XQ - der the LEED Green Build- ing Rating System for Inte- rior Design and Construction: Commercial Interiors. MGKF is the first law firm in the Philadelphia region to achieve *ROGOHYHOFHUWLÀFDWLRQXQGHU LEED for Commercial In-

ing in a 60% diversion rate of UHF\FODEOHVIURPODQGÀOO ‡ 5HGXFWLRQ RI SDUNLQJ ORW lighting after hours, saving electricity and preventing light pollution ‡ 8VH RI  HQYLURQ - mentally friendly cleaning products This project was completed by the Mack-Cali property management team, with Ge- rard Hazel of Sustainable Systems LLC providing con- sulting services. Mitchell Hersh , Mack-Cali president and chief executive RIÀFHUVDLG´:HDUHYHU\SURXG to have achieved this presti- gious designation at 5 Wood +ROORZ5GZKLFKH[HPSOLÀHV the institutional quality of this FODVV$EXLOGLQJ:HÀQGEXVL - QHVVHVWRGD\DUHVHHNLQJRIÀFH properties that are energy ef- ÀFLHQW DQGPRUH VXVWDLQDEOH with a goal of reducing their overall carbon footprint.” „ ÀYH \HDUV VLQFH WKH YDFDWXU of key sections of the general rules governing SSM events for sources subject to MACT (Maximum Achievable Con- trol Technology) standards, facilities are still feeling the repercussions. Complying with existing and new MACT rules, developing/complying with permit limits during startups and shutdowns, and applying “Affirmative De- fense” provisions are among the challenges facilities are currently facing. McCabe and Vaccaro joined other panelists to take a fresh look at MACT and SSM and how it impacts facility operations. The panel addressed topics such as: ‡2ULJLQ  LPSOHPHQWDWLRQ of SSM provisions ‡0$&7660OLWLJDWLRQ ‡5HJXODWRU\GHYHORSPHQW ‡2SHUDWLQJ SHUPLW 660 considerations ‡)XWXUHLPSOLFDWLRQV ‡)DFLOLW\660DFWLRQLWHPV „

5 Wood Hollow Rd.

and sustainable operations performance metrics. Highlights of the building’s sustainability achievements include:

‡(OLPLQDWLRQRIDOOXVHVRI potable water for irrigation, resulting in savings of approxi- mately two million gallons of water

‡ ,QVWDOODWLRQ RI QHZ ORZ ÁRZUHVWURRPÀ[WXUHVUHVXOW - ing in a 30% annual reduction in water use ‡ 5HF\FOLQJ HIIRUWV UHVXOW -

MGKF authors Air Chapter of the New Jersey Environmental Law Handbook Manko, Gold, Katcher & Fox, LLP selected as winner of Lower Merion’s “Go for Green” Commercial Award

teriors for its office space. The construction of the new RIÀFHVXLWHLQFOXGHGSUDFWLFDO and measureable strategies to achieve energy and water HIÀFLHQFLHV LPSURYHG LQGRRU environmental quality, lower operating costs, waste reduc- tion and local sourcing. At MGKF, the commitment to sustainability is demon- VWUDWHG LQ WKH ÀUP·V SURIHV - sional practice, its community leadership, and in the guid- ance provided to its clients. Environmental stewardship is an important component of WKH0*.)SUDFWLFHÀUPFXO - ture, and business operations. PHILADELPHIA, PA — Members of the Air Qual- ity Practice Group of Manko, Gold, Katcher & Fox penned a chapter for the recently released New Jersey Envi- ronmental Law Handbook. MGKF co-authors include partners Bart Cassidy , Car-

reporting, and regulatory development. The MGKF co- authors were selected to au- thor the Air Chapter of the New Jersey Environmental Law Handbook based on this extensive, air quality related experience. The Air Chapter of the handbook addresses a wide range of air quality is- sues in New Jersey and the regulatory framework related to those issues, including Na- tional Ambient Air Quality Standards, air quality permit- ting, administrative enforce- ment actions, and greenhouse gas regulation. In addition, McCabe and Vaccaro of the MGKF Air Quality Practice Group were panelists at a presentation entitled, “Startup, Shutdown, and Malfunction (SSM) — Past, Present, Future” on May 20 for the Delaware Valley Chapter of the Air andWaste Management Association . Although it has been over

ol McCabe , Christopher Ball , and Katherine Vac- caro , along with attorneys Bryan Franey and Michael Dillon . The New Jersey Environ- mental LawHandbook brings together over 40 of New Jer- sey’s most experienced envi- ronmental law practitioners to provide essential facts and insights that can be used in one resource. The Handbook breaks down some of the State’s complex environmen- tal laws and regulations and makes them more under- standable, useable and prac- tical for readers. This is the ÀUVWXSGDWHWRWKH+DQGERRN since 2007. The MGKF Air Quality Practice Group counsels clients on all aspects of the application of air regulatory requirements to clients’ op- erations, including permit- ting, compliance counseling, enforcement issues, auditing,

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