
24B — June 27 - July 10, 2014 — Owners, Developers & Managers — 1 -( % 80%28-'

Real Estate Journal


New Jersey Apartment Association www.njaa.com

Garden State Awards celebration recognizes the accomplishments and successes of our members and member companies

will be conducted on all of the ¿QDOLVWV ZKHUH DSSOLFDEOH  %DVHGRQWKH¿QDOWDOOLHVWKH Winners of Excellence will be selected and announced at the event. NEW this year, not only will we be announc- LQJ WKH ¿QDOLVWV SULRU WR WKH awards dinner, but we will also be recognizing all of our nominees! Winners of Excellence will be announced and cel- ebrated during our “1920’s Soiree!” themed Awards Dinner, on Thursday, Octo- ber 30th, at the Hilton East Brunswick! For more information and nomination forms, please v i s i t the NJAA Garden State Awards event page at www.njaa.com/garden- stateawards or contact us at HYHQWV#QMDDFRPŶ

today! Enclosed are the Of- ¿FLDO&DOOIRU(QWULHV5XOHV  Information, and Nomination Forms. You may also find these online at: www.njaa. com/gardenstateawards. Remember you can nomi- nate more than one person from each property and more than one person in each cat- egory. All nominations must be received with the required materials by Wednesday, July 9th for consideration (photocopies of the form are accepted). Once all nomina- tions are received, they will be screened based on the LQIRUPDWLRQSURYLGHGDQG¿ - nalists will be named in each category. A panel of judges will conduct interviews be- tween Wednesday, July 23 through Friday, August 22, 2014, and site inspections

Each year, the New Jer- sey Apartment Associa- tion’s (NJAA) Garden State Awards (GSA) celebration recognizes the accomplish- ments and successes of our members and the profes- sionalism of our member companies. In its 21st year, the NJAA Garden State Awards celebration gathers nearly 600 of the best and brightest in the industry as we celebrate excellence. Established to showcase industry excellence among its members in more than 50 categories, the Garden State Awards recognizes one of the state’s most important industries— the multi-family housing industry! Nominations are open to all NJAAmembers, member properties and associate

DQGUHWUR¿WVDVZHOODVDF - complishments in various associate categories. Among last year’s new categories was Industry Rookie of the Year. Nominate your rising stars

members. Awards showcase industry excellence in more than 50 categories includ- ing company and individual achievements in manage- ment, aesthetics and green building, new construction

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