Real Estate Journal — Mid-Year Review — June 27 - July 10, 2014 — 5C
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E CONOMIC D EVELOPMENT By C. Alan Walker, Pennsylvania Department of Community and Economic Development
State and local economic development partnerships
L ocal economic develop- ment partners are the “boots on the
in the Pittsburgh Region. Working with GAT, Allegh- eny County, Butler County and Cranberry Township of- ÀFLDOV 35$ ZDV DEOH WR SXW together an attractive package for PPG. In addition to incen- tives, the package pointed out WKHEHQHÀWVRIVWD\LQJLQDUH - gion with many amenities for knowledge-based workers. The timing of the offer was crucial, and GAT and PRAwere able to TXLFNO\DQGFRQÀGHQWLDOO\SXW a compelling proposal on the table, resulting in the ability to retain 2,500 jobs and cre- ate an additional 300 jobs in
the region. Regional and local organiza- tions know the strengths and challenges of their areas and can often make connections WKDWDUHPRUHGLIÀFXOWRQWKH state level. Having engaged, collaborative partners who communicate openly leads to successful projects of which both regions and the common- wealth can be proud. As the head of DCED, C. Alan Walker leads the agency’s efforts to position Pennsylvania businesses to grow and compete in the global economy.
Pittsburgh Regional Alliance (PRA) and GAT. In April 2013, PPG acquired the AkzoNobel North American Decorative Coatings business. In order to consolidate AkzoNobel North American headquarters and U.S. lab facilities with PPG’s Architectural Coatings busi- ness, PPG analyzed the geo- graphic footprint of the two companies and developed a plan that would be in the best interest not only of their shareholders, but for the at- traction and retention of em- ployees. PPG reached out to PRA for options to keep them
current pre-treatment facility did not have enough capac- ity to support Ocean Spray’s needs, LVEDC collaborated with the local water authority. LVEDC was able to coordinate with another local beverage manufacturer, the Boston Beer Company, who provided some of their unused capacity to meet Ocean Spray’s requirements. It took both GAT and LVEDC working in tandem to bring 180 jobs to the Lehigh Valley. Another strong collaborative effort kept PPG Industries growing in the Pittsburgh Re- gion, thanks to the work of the
ground” for s t a t e d e - v e l o pme n t agencies and play essen- tial roles in a t t r a c t i n g and retain- i n g b u s i - n e s s e s i n
C. Alan Walker
Pennsylvania. The Pennsyl- vania Department of Com- munity & Economic De- velopment (DCED) works closely with regional and local groups and has even devel- oped a statewide network of partners to deliver business assistance. In 2011, the Corbett adminis- tration developed the Partner- ships for Regional Economic Performance (PREP) network, made up of partners and groups who provide business assis- tance services across 10 regions of Pennsylvania. At the state level, representatives from the Governor’s Action Team (GAT) work with this network and serve as contacts for companies looking to establish new busi- ness operations in Pennsylva- nia or companies considering retention and/or expansion of existing Pennsylvania opera- WLRQV *$7 LGHQWLÀHV VXLWDEOH properties for client companies, provides information on work- force, infrastructure and more; coordinates tours of potential sites and the involvement of all commonwealth agencies in a business development project and facilitates introductions to local economic development groups. The partnership between GAT and local development group, the Lehigh Valley Economic Development Corporation (LVEDC) , is a prime example of state and lo- cal teams working together to attract Ocean Spray to Penn- sylvania. Following nearly four years of planning, Ocean Spray opened a state-of-the-art bot- tling facility in Breinigsville, PA in April 2014. GAT was approached by Ocean Spray’s engineering and construction ÀUPWRKHOSLGHQWLI\SRWHQWLDO construction sites for the facil- ity. Working with the county, township and LVEDC, GAT was able to provide four po- tential sites for Ocean Spray’s consideration. Since water pre- treatment was a top priority for the beverage facility and the
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