Case Barnett Law - B2C - May 2019



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the springtime, she had them learn about plants by planting little seeds by themselves.

Happy summer!

The kids are absolutely thriving. Finn once again loves school, and it’s crazy how far along he is now. Nicole has given him the freedom to learn at his own pace, feel supported, and explore topics that interest him. We are incredibly lucky to be able to give our kids this experience. One of the best parts about home schooling, for us, is the flexibility. It allows us to create a life and schedule that works best for our family. For this upcoming year, we are very excited to be able to travel outside of peak seasons like Christmas break and spring break! We are also looking forward to getting our kids involved in charity work in our community. In August, Finn will be starting kindergarten and Harlow will be starting preschool in our “school house.” We are still only planning one year at a time and allowing life to unfold organically as our children grow and change.

Ever since the weather warmed up, I’ve been trying to spend every free moment outdoors. I love playing outside! When Mommy and Daddy aren’t practicing law, they always take my brother and me outside to play.

Our house has a huge backyard with plenty of room to have fun. Finn and I have been helping Mommy and Daddy take care of the yard by pulling out old shrubs and trees. We also helped pick out tons of new plants and flowers for the yard. Finn likes digging holes for the plants, and I like watering them — and my whole family — with the hose!

This is all part of “Operation: Make the Backyard Fun.” We’ve been doing a lot of work to turn the backyard into a place for adventures. There’s a big tree Finn and I call our Magic Tree Fort, where our mud kitchen is located. We have a water table and a work table for making mud pies. When we’re done in the mud kitchen, Finn and I love to play on the climbing dome. My legs are still too short for me to climb on my own, but Daddy helps me! Sometimes we even throw a parachute over the dome and turn it into an awesome fort. After the sun goes down, we can hear frogs singing in the yard. Finn and I have tried to find them during the day, but we haven’t had any luck yet. I’ll let you know when we catch some! Our backyard is really fun, but there are also other great places to play outside. A little while ago, Mommy and Daddy took us to explore a nature reserve near our house. We also got to see all the wildflowers blooming all over our neighborhood. The hills are bright yellow right now. It looks like someone spilled a bucket of paint all over them!

I saw firsthand what makes her such a great teacher when Nicole started home- schooling our son.

Nicole is the most outrageous human being. The kids and I are super lucky to have her in our lives. She cares so deeply and does so much for our kids and family. Every day, I’mmore amazed at everything she’s able to accomplish. She inspires me to be a better person in every possible way.

Here’s to Nicole, the best teacher and mom anyone could have.

There are so many fun things to do. I hope you get to play outside this summer, too!

–Case Barnett

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