Semantron 22 Summer 2022

Electric cars

In conclusion, after having analysed an ICE, the motor and battery of an EV and the mining of the resources needed to make the battery in particular, electric vehicles seem to be doing much more harm to the environment than anticipated. Not only this, but the major human rights violations and child labour of cobalt mining is a major issue. This situation can be improved if miners are given better pay and more reasonable working hours from cobalt being sold at a more reasonable price to large Chinese companies such as CDM. Transport is a necessity to all (most definitely in first world countries) and developments are always being made to produce faster, more powerful machines, but it is imperative that this priority changes if real environmental change is to be achieved. Electric vehicles have come so far in the last decade that one would hope that, with more investment, we might find redemption for the disastrous environmental impact we have caused.


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