Semantron 22 Summer 2022

RRT and the piano mover’s problem

Fig.17: special case on the edge of obstacle

As shown in this figure, the centre of the block is still in the ‘rectangle region’ so the algorithm will us the function we deduced in 2.32 to check if it collides with the obstacle. According to the function, it collides because one of its vertices is below the blue dotted line. However, as shown clearly on the graph, it is far from colliding and there is room for it to come closer without being blocked. As for future development, apart from solving the questions mentioned above, this way of approaching PMP can be developed into 3-dimensional planning problem as well. More information is needed to uniquely identify a state of the object in a 3-dimensional world, e.g., positions and rotations in three directions. But we can use linear algebra to extend the approach above. The hard part will also be how to come up with the obstacles in higher-level search space. A very promising focus is trying to find a general algorithm to generate obstacles in higher-level maps for any shape of obstacles.


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