
Mid Atlantic Real Estate Journal — Green Buildings — July 26 - August 15, 2013 — 23B


G reen B uildings

Huggins testifies at public hearing RE industry urges EPA to postpone lead paint regs.

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ASHINGTON, DC — The Environ- mental Protec -

hazards, including the harmful health consequences of lead- based paint,” said Huggins, president and CEO of Harold H. Huggins Realty in Burt- sonsville, MD. “We strongly support the existing “child-occupied facil- ity” designation that protects children from lead hazards in commercial properties with on- site day care centers; however, without a proven harm to the typical adult users of commer- cial and public spaces, we do not see a need for EPA’s new RRP rulemaking. “If the EPA should choose to perform additional research

for the RRP rule, it can readily collect data from other federal government agencies, such as the General Services Admin- istration. Huggins urged the EPA not to continue with its proposed lead renovation, re- pair and painting rules absent such research, noting that more than 50 members of the House of Representatives wrote to the EPA last month stating their concerns about the rulemaking, which were similar to those of NAR, IREM and CCIM.” The EPA is required to regu- late against hazards, and since none is proven, no regulation is warranted,” said Huggins. n

tion Agency must justify its efforts to a p p l y n ew l e ad pa i n t regulations to public and commercial pr ope r t i e s , realtor Har-

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old Huggins testified at a public hearing on behalf of the National Association of Realtors and its affiliates, the Institute for Real Estate Management and the CCIM Institute . The EPA’s lead Renovation, Repair and Painting (RRP) rule seeks to protect individuals from lead-based paint-related health hazards during the reno- vation, repair, and painting of public and commercial proper- ties. Yet by the EPA’s own ad- mission, no conclusive research demonstrates that these build- ings pose a lead-based paint threat to human health. “As industry advocates, we support public policies that protect our clients, tenants, and building visitors from all NGKF promotes Rothermel, LEED AP to associate dir. Rutherford, NJ — Newmark Grubb Knight Frank (NGKF) has promoted ports to Eric Stone, executive vice president, regional director of management services. Stone said, “NGKF’s busi- ness growth has been quite impressive, with more than 1.2 million s/f of new management assignments recently added in the New Jersey region. This is a reflection of the confidence our clients have in the NGKF platform, as well as the strong relationships cultivated by our property management team. Christine has a long track re- cord of exceptional service and this promotion recognizes her dedication, accomplishments and commitment to NGKF and its clients.” n Christine Rothermel Ch r i s t i n e Rothermel, LEED AP to associate di- rector, man- agement ser- vices for the company’s NJ region. Ro- thermel re-

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