Mid Atlantic Real Estate Journal — Owners, Developers & Managers — July 26 - August 15, 2013 — 27B
New Jersey Apartment Association www.njaa.com
NALP Designation - September 24th-25th- Planned Companies, Parsippany What’s your property’s biggest leasing challenge? Qualifying prospective residents? Identifying the prospective resident’s needs? Determining when it’s time to close? What about that irate resident in apartment 204? Register now for NAA’s National Apartment Leasing Professional (NALP) designation classes on September 24th-25th at Planned Companies in Parsippany. Students will enjoy 2 days of fast-paced education from Pat Daly, AIT, Dynamic Lead Solutions. The designation will be awarded to students who are in attendance for two full days of instruction, receive a passing grade on the final exam and achieve satisfactory completion on a market survey presentation. Six (6) months of relevant industry experience is the only prerequisite. Fees: $375 for New NJAA Website Feature- Submit An Education Proposal Online! Do you have knowledge on a particular topic or subject that would be of interest to fellow NJAA members? If so, now is the time to submit your presentation proposal. Proposals can be submitted year round. The submission of this proposal is not a guarantee that your seminar will be chosen by the NJAA. Please note that the schedule of educational offerings is determined at the discretion of the Education Coordinator and may be reviewed by the Programs & Education Committee. Should you have further questions or are in need of additional assistance, please contact Jaclyn Olszewski at (732) 992-0607. SUBMIT A PROPOSAL! members, $475 for non-members (continental breakfast and lunch included). For more information, contact Jaclyn Olszewski by e-mail or (732) 992-0607.
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