DS Smith Announces Commitment To Net Zero Emissions By 2050 Atlanta, Georgia based DS Smith last week announced a series of ambitious climate targets, including a sci- ence-based target to achieve a 40 percent reduction of CO2 emissions per ton of product by 2030, compared to 2019 levels, and a commitment to reach net zero emis- sions by 2050. These targets will be validated by the Science Based Targets initiative, in line with the goals of the Paris Agree- ment. To further underline the company’s ambition and commitment, DS Smith also announced its membership in the UN’s Race to Zero. To achieve these targets, it will further adopt a number of engineering solutions, including using local biomass and biogas, and renewable electricity like wind and solar. In 2017, DS Smith announced its target to reduce car- bon emissions per ton of product by 30 percent by 2030, against a 2015 baseline. As part of a coordinated effort across its over 250 sites globally, it has achieved a 23 per- cent reduction by the end of 2020, placing it well ahead of its plans. DS Smith has achieved this by investing in ground- breaking technology, including waste-to-energy solutions, state-of-the-art combined heat and power facilities, and equipment upgrades from new boilers and LED lighting. It has also increased its use of renewable fuel sources, such as biogas and biomass, and improved its energy usage to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. “It is widely recognized that paper and packaging is one of the hardest sectors to de-carbonize, but we are commit- ted to playing our part by taking action on the path to Net Zero with a clear plan and roadmap,” said Miles Roberts, Group Chief Executive of DS Smith. We make sustainable packaging that is fiber-based and fully recyclable and be- lieve that through leadership in the circular economy and climate action, we are positioned to have a real impact in helping to reduce the rise in global temperatures.” “We’ve already made good progress in reducing our carbon as part of our long-term sustainability focus, but we know we need to do much more,” Roberts said. That’s why today we are not only setting ambitious climate tar- gets for ourselves; but strengthening our commitment to delivering more circular solutions for our customers and wider society. I am incredibly proud of all of our people for making this happen.” In addition to its climate action commitment, DS Smith recently announced its $140m R&D and innovation pack- age to accelerate its work in the circular economy. The new investment underpins DS Smith’s new circular econo- my led sustainability strategy, Now and Next, which pledg- es to manufacture 100 percent recyclable or reusable packaging by 2023 and to take a billion pieces of problem plastics off store shelves by 2025. Visit www.dssmith.com for more information.
OHIO BLOW PIPE/ADVANCED AIRSYSTEMS www.obpairsystems.com For 85 years the Ohio Blow Pipe company and its whol- ly owned subsidiary, Advanced Airsystems, have provided the corrugated and folding carton industries with systems and products to process scrap. We engineer, fabricate, in- stall, service, provide system audits, and offer a wide range of scrap systems, dust collection systems and products to include cyclones, under roof AIR-SCREEN™ systems, pit belt systems, CLEANAIR dust collectors, Mist-Clone™ dust control systems for vacuum feeds, material handling fans, ductwork, switch valves, airveyors, balers, shredders and dust briquetters. OMP www.omp.com OMP helps companies facing complex planning challenges to excel, grow and thrive by offering the best digitized sup- ply chain planning solution on the market. Its Unison Plan- ning concept has a unique approach. It handles all supply chain planning challenges in a unified way, synchronizing all planning stages, horizons, functions and roles. Hundreds of customers run OMP’s cloud-based solution to generate more value by making informed decisions. OMP invests one out of every three dollars earned into innovation.
PAPER AND DUST PROS, INC. www.paperanddustpros.com
We custom design, install and service air conveyed scrap and dust collection systems. Our unique APS® is smaller, lighter, and more reliable than current cyclones. Contact us to learn how the APS® System can enhance your operation.
PROFERO SYSTEMS, INC. www.ProferoSystems.com
Profero Systems the leader in double facer heating and traction section conversions along with other performance enhancing products. Featuring products from Contact Bars and Compensating Rolls to New Glue Machines and Double Facers.
GF PUHL www.gfpuhl.com
GF PUHL designs, manufactures and installs air conveyed scrap & dust collection systems for the packaging and cor- rugated industries. With 37 years of experience, USA and International. We offer below or above roof systems featur- ing cyclones OR screen separators with real time pressure balancing for optimal dust control. High efficiency cyclones for sheet transfer exhaust systems eliminate water con- sumption and deliver dust directly to compactor or briquet- ter for low maintenance, long term sustainability and reli- ability. System audits, dust explosivity tests and dust hazard analysis (DHA’s) available. Re-manufactured balers, filters, blowers and shredders available at significant savings.
June 14, 2021
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