President’s Message The past five years have seen many changes for the California Community Colleges, including Reedley College (RC). First, the COVID pandemic increased our expertise and utilization of online programs and services, resulting in students now demanding more high-quality distance education and hybrid courses. The number and methods of offering early college courses and programs have also increased in importance, from dual enrollment during the high school day to high school enrichment offered online and face-to-face on the college campus after 3 pm. California’s implementation of the K-16 Initiative, at scale, has also enhanced Reedley College’s partnerships with both high schools and universities to change the trajectory and increase opportunities for students to achieve baccalaureate degrees, especially here in the Central Valley. Partnerships in manufacturing, agriculture and forestry are also facilitating greater completion of certificates and
Dr. Jerry L. Buckley, Reedley College President
degrees, raising the overall educational attainment and economic potential of communities within our region. Reedley College has intentionally formed additional non-credit programs and classes to address the needs of our adult students. Although continuing to serve our older adult population with courses that address the quality of life, Reedley has also mirrored credit courses into non-credit class sequences that allow working adults the opportunity to upskill and reskill to meeting the changing needs of employers within our communities. Most notable among these efforts is Reedley’s participation in the Department of Commerce F3 AgTEC grant that is currently meeting the technology education needs of our farmworkers, while increasing their earning power and quality of life. Outcomes from a recent Title V federal grant included the development of a certification center on the Reedley campus where students can complete a course or program, then take a corresponding computerized exam that qualifies them for various industry-valued certifications, including those offered through the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) for our aviation maintenance and flight science students. During the past year, Reedley College participated in a District-wide planning process to update our education and facilities master plans, leading to the realization that the State Center Community College District (SCCCD) needed additional state and local construction bond funding to continue modernization across all our campuses, and particularly by replacing some or all of Reedley College’s 70-year-old buildings. This annual report, therefore, addresses not only our accomplishments during the prior academic year, but also tells a story of enrollment recovery and growth that further supports our Vision 2035 Facilities Master Plan, and our need for improved instructional and student services space to meet these growing needs, along with a requirement to embrace additional distance education technologies in order to overcome the transportation barriers faced by many of our students. The next decade of growth here at Reedley College will include a balance of face-to-face, hybrid, and distance education courses offered through a student-centered schedule that adapts course delivery to each student’s lived experience and real-world requirements. Mission, Vision & Values MISSION • A Focus on Students: Our practices, priorities, and To cultivate opportunities that empower our students and policies are created, implemented, and reviewed with a communities through engaging, equity-minded programs relentless student-first approach and services. • Educational Excellence: The instruction, student VISION services, and experience we provide to each student Providing equitable educational opportunities that consistently exceed expectations transform our students and communities. • Innovation: We embrace change that moves us closer VALUES to achieving our vision while adhering to our values, At Reedley College we value: embracing the possibility that not every innovation will • Equity, Access, and Inclusion: Our success depends on succeed every member of our campus community achieving • Integrity: Our words and actions are always consistent their educational goals with our mission
Reedley College’s 65-year-old statue of our mascot Clyde had been showing increasing signs of his age, so he underwent treatment. The project started in late 2023 with a scan of his wooden structure. Using the scan information, a makeover started with removing the existing paint using a process that included walnut shell sandblasting, then the addition of more than five gallons of boiled linseed oil for his new coat. Clyde’s makeover was completed in April 2024, and now this iconic statue is ready for commencement.
Annual Report 2023-2024 3
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