A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Legacy Museum Grand Opening

The Grand Opening of the A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada Legacy Museum in the Temple of the Vedic Planetarium (TOVP) is scheduled for February 18, 2025. Watch this historic event live on Mayapur TV.

SriMayapurChandrodaya Mandir Tem pleoftheVedicPlanetarium

H isD ivineGrace A .C.B haktivedantaSwam i PrabhupadaLegacyM useum

A w orld-clas spiritualand educationallandm ark forhum anity

ProjectoftheInternationalSocietyforKrishnaConsciousnes Founder-AcharyaHisDivineGraceA.C.BhaktivedantaSwam iPrabhupada

O urM ision To show theexam pleofH isD ivineG raceA .C.Bhaktivedanta Swam iPrabhupada,ISKCO N Founder-Acharya,and alife dedicated purely to pleasing guru and K rishna,so histranscendental legacy ofdevotionalservice m ay be preserved and pas ed on intact wel into thefuture. Ļ eTOVP A.C.BhaktivedantaSwam iLegacyM useum ,aTribute to ourFounder-A charya,isanothergrand projectbeing undertaken bytheTO VP Team .Ļ eprojected sizewil begin with 1000 sq.ft., and in itsfulydeveloped stagew il bearem arkable, state-of-the-art,world-clas 21,000 sq.ft.m useum ,the largestofits kind foranysingleperson in history. Ļ eideaforsuch am useum islong overdue,and curentlym ostof Srila Prabhupada’sm em orabilia (tadiya)isscatered acros the w orld in thehandsofdevote sand tem ples.W eareatem ptingto colect these sacred artifactsfrom individualdevote sand place them in a centrallocation atISKC O N ’sW orld H eadquartersin Sridham M ayapur,SrilaPrabhupada’s‘PlaceofW orship’,wheretheycan be properlypreserved and displayed forthebeneŀtofm ilionsof visitorsand devote sto view forgenerationsto com e.

GrandO peningSchedule February18,2025 4:30pm - Procesion bringingSrilaPrabhupadato theTO VP 5:00pm - SrilaPrabhupadawelcom earatiin them useum 5:20pm - O peningofthem useum with lam p lighting 5:30pm - Spe chesbyseniorISKCO N leadersand devote s 7:30pm - Prasadam /D evote scan begin viewing m useum

M useum Feaƶres •A chronologicalhistoryofSrilaPrabhupada’slifewil bepresented through im ages, docum ents,m ultim edia presentations,a theater,dioram as,etc. •H istoricalartifactswil bedisplayed with appropriatephotosofPrabhupadausing them . •Sacred arthecom m isioned wil bedisplayed. •A largecolection ofthebestphotosofSrilaPrabhupadawil bedisplayed. •G uided toursw il beavailableforin-depth explanations. •Sem inarsand workshopswil educateand inspirevisitors. •A libraryand archivesw ith bo ks,leters,audiosand videosw il beavailableforresearch. •Specialeventsw il be scheduled forfurtherinspiration. •Sacred spacesforrełection,m editation and japa w il be m ade available. •A giftshop w il providegifts,souvenirs,bo ks,etc.forvisitors. •Prasadam distribution w il bean es entialpartofthevisitorexperience.

H owtoGive InIndia,EuropeandtheUK: D aiviSaktiD asi D aivisakti.ACBSP@ pam ho.net +919368586564 In North,Centraland South Am erica: SunandaD as tovp2016@ gm ail.com +14 3-621-7940 SrutirupaD asi srutirupadevi@ gm ail.com

Al OtherCountries: BrajaV ilasaD as brajavilasa.rns@ gm ail.com +919635990391(W hatsApp)

s.tovp.org/m useum

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