O urM ision To show theexam pleofH isD ivineG raceA .C.Bhaktivedanta Swam iPrabhupada,ISKCO N Founder-Acharya,and alife dedicated purely to pleasing guru and K rishna,so histranscendental legacy ofdevotionalservice m ay be preserved and pas ed on intact wel into thefuture. Ļ eTOVP A.C.BhaktivedantaSwam iLegacyM useum ,aTribute to ourFounder-A charya,isanothergrand projectbeing undertaken bytheTO VP Team .Ļ eprojected sizewil begin with 1000 sq.ft., and in itsfulydeveloped stagew il bearem arkable, state-of-the-art,world-clas 21,000 sq.ft.m useum ,the largestofits kind foranysingleperson in history. Ļ eideaforsuch am useum islong overdue,and curentlym ostof Srila Prabhupada’sm em orabilia (tadiya)isscatered acros the w orld in thehandsofdevote sand tem ples.W eareatem ptingto colect these sacred artifactsfrom individualdevote sand place them in a centrallocation atISKC O N ’sW orld H eadquartersin Sridham M ayapur,SrilaPrabhupada’s‘PlaceofW orship’,wheretheycan be properlypreserved and displayed forthebeneŀtofm ilionsof visitorsand devote sto view forgenerationsto com e.
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