M useum Feaƶres •A chronologicalhistoryofSrilaPrabhupada’slifewil bepresented through im ages, docum ents,m ultim edia presentations,a theater,dioram as,etc. •H istoricalartifactswil bedisplayed with appropriatephotosofPrabhupadausing them . •Sacred arthecom m isioned wil bedisplayed. •A largecolection ofthebestphotosofSrilaPrabhupadawil bedisplayed. •G uided toursw il beavailableforin-depth explanations. •Sem inarsand workshopswil educateand inspirevisitors. •A libraryand archivesw ith bo ks,leters,audiosand videosw il beavailableforresearch. •Specialeventsw il be scheduled forfurtherinspiration. •Sacred spacesforrełection,m editation and japa w il be m ade available. •A giftshop w il providegifts,souvenirs,bo ks,etc.forvisitors. •Prasadam distribution w il bean es entialpartofthevisitorexperience.
H owtoGive InIndia,EuropeandtheUK: D aiviSaktiD asi D aivisakti.ACBSP@ pam ho.net +919368586564 In North,Centraland South Am erica: SunandaD as tovp2016@ gm ail.com +14 3-621-7940 SrutirupaD asi srutirupadevi@ gm ail.com
Al OtherCountries: BrajaV ilasaD as brajavilasa.rns@ gm ail.com +919635990391(W hatsApp)
s.tovp.org/m useum
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