The Hacker Lab Founded in 2013, the Cyber or “Hacker Lab” enables Embry-Riddle students to meet the challenge of defending against cyberthreats that continue to evolve. Working in a safe environment, students learn the key intelligence-driven cyber defense approach: “To know your adversary, you must become your adversary.” The Cyber Lab demonstrates how information and systems can be compromised and showcases cyber defense techniques against real-world threats. Students can perform penetrative tests on computer operating systems and applications to develop skills in mitigating real-world vulnerabilities.

Students study and reverse engineer malware to better defend against computer viruses and worms, while learning how to perform forensic examinations of computer systems and networks to capture digital evidence. Faculty-supported and mentored cyber clubs — including the Cyber Defense Club, the Ethical Hacking Club, the CyberEye, the C-Sec and the Information Security Offensive Research Team — meet in the lab to discuss cybersecurity challenges, practice for upcoming competitions, work on projects or create their own research using various versions of Linux, open-source software tools and the same access control and security software deployed in the industry.

Click Away Virtual Labs

Embry-Riddle’s online students can access two key virtual labs, set up as part of the school’s commitment to being a leader in online learning and bringing students experiences that are unlike any other university. Worldwide Campus students, who are able to learn from wherever they choose, can log into the Virtual Aerial Robotics Lab , which allows them to build UAS systems, test flight capability and analyze results from their own computers. By simulating a flight, students can assess how uncrewed systems perform and redesign the system for optimal results. The Virtual Crash Lab lets students gather and submit data required for accident investigations, including survival factors, human factors, aircraft structures, aircraft systems, operations and maintenance. Through this unique virtual platform, students can examine an aircraft accident scene, document evidence and even interview survivors.

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