
when picking sinks, faucet finishes, vanities, flooring, lighting, and mirrors. The look I was creating was going to have to give potential buyers the feel of new mixed in with a touch of the past. While the brick flooring brings the design back to the feel of the Old West, the light fixtures and faucet designs both say old and new all in the same picture by taking an old design, which just happens to be on trend today! Repurposing can be a very tricky game to play when it comes to renovating homes for an investment profit since

the goal of investment renovating is often to restore the home into the feel and state of being new again. Incor - porating old materials back into something new, you run the risk of only making your renovation look dated and old once again. Yes, creating a new feel by repurposing old materials is risky, but by saving money on materi - als you would have otherwise purchased, and creating a unique, new design with perhaps a great story behind it, you might just end up with an even greater profit than you had ever expected! •

ANote from the Designer: Growing up assisting my father building and investing in strip malls, it was clear at an early age that real estate investing was a natural path for me to take. I received a formal education in design from the Interior Designers Institute of Newport Beach, California, and have more than 30 years of experience in commercial real estate development, custom home building, and flipping houses. Contact me at or

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