King's Business - 1934-06


“ q Q0d, . . . thy way is in the sea, and thy path in the great waters, and thy footsteps are not known.”

Photo by k . Nakamura

January 16, 1934.

Bible Institute of Los Angeles 558 South Hope Street Los Angeles, Calif. Dear Brethren:

A small sum of money has been placed in my hands to be used in the Lord’s work, as He may direct. This money is from a member of my church, who recently departed from this life. I note in T he K ing ’ s B usiness for December, that the expense for the training of the stu­ dents (about $75.00 per student for each semester) is met by voluntary contributions. I feel that no more profitable use could be made of this money in the Lord’s work. You have in school one of our young men . . . .* In slight expression of our deep appreciation of the gracious help he has been in the work of our church, Sunday-school, and Christian Endeavor, and also of the splendid work the B. I. is doing for Christ, I am forwarding check for seventy-five dollars. Sincerely, (Signed) M. G. N elson , Pastor. ,

BiolaYoung People __ a“Gracious Help” A pastor’s opinion is always significant. The ques­ tion may be asked : What do ministers o f the gospel say about students o f the Bible Institute o f Los Angeles? When Rev. M. G. Nelson wrote the letter which appears on the opposite page, he offered not only his own opinion, but he voiced the thought o f many other pastors as well, when he said that a Bible Institute student was a “ gra­ cious help.” THE TEST OF LONG ACQUAINTANCE The pastor in Canoga Park, Calif., had opportunity to watch for several years the development o f the young man o f whom he’ wrote. As a lad, this young man had attended the church, showing the adolescent’s usual intermittent interest in its affairs. He was ready for college when an event occurred which influenced the whole course o f his life. Two graduates o f the Bible Institute of Los Angeles came to that community to hold a fortnight’s special meet­ ings. As a result o f their confident, scriptural testimony, and the demonstration o f the sheer and abiding joy that comes from yielding to the Lord Jesus Christ, many were stirred to action-—the Word that had been long sown by a faithful pastor, watered oftentimes with tears, began to bear fruit. “ He that soweth and he that reapeth may rejoice together.” Following those meetings, the pastor watched his young people grow— one in particular; he saw that they were hun­ gry for the W ord ; he helped them in the weekly study of it in his own home. The young man o f whom he later wrote went away for' a year at college, only to return, restless and depressed, com­ plaining that he felt utterly starved, spiritually. In this crisis, he sought his pastor’s counsel. The minister sug­ gested the Bible Institute of Los Angeles. But it was not so much the advice o f the beloved pastor as it was the voice o f God through His Word that caused .this young man to take the decisive step, away from his selfrchosen course, into the path o f life service for Christ. As an Institute student, he returned each Sunday to his home church. He had never before taught a Sunday-school class'. Now he not only held the interest o f sixteen- and seventeen-year-old boys, but he helped some o f them to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. Further, he organized a junior church, and for some time was in charge o f its worship services. During all this time, the young man was being con­ stantly observed by his pastor, who wrote o f him in sin­ cerity: “ Since his attendance at the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, I have noticed a deepening of his spiritual life and a far greater facility in handling the Bible. He does much more effective work with our young people than formerly and is greatly respected by them.” A gracious ministry! flow is it made possible ? With almost breath-taking beauty, the secret was unfolded in the Canoga Park incident. In this case, the central figure was the pastor. A s the counsellor of youth, he watched with intense interest the development o f the one who, in obedi­ ence to Christ’s call, was in training for His service—and the pastor judged the school by the product in his parish. As the comforter o f the needy, there came one day to this minister a revealing request. Not until then was it known that to at least three individuals had the Lord spoken— to the young man, calling him into Christian service; to the pastor, encouraging him in his task; and to.a frail little woman, a member o f that church, who, through material gift, would have a part in this ministry o f spiritual help­ fulness. Soon after His whispered word to her heart, to

which she sweet­ ly responded, the donor w a s “ at h o m e with the Lord.” In the will of G o d , e a c h o f these three— His ch ild r e n — was re la ted to t h e others. In their united obedience to Christ, there is found an exam­ ple o f the method by which it has pleased G o d to c o n t i n u e the work o f the In­ stitute year after year. But the test of l o n g acquaint-

Four Bible Institute Students— the Executive Commi t t ee of the Graduating Class of June, 1934. Such young people as these—hundreds of them—are ready to allow God to make them a “gracious help.” Will you have a part in their service by helping to meet the cost of training one or more students? For a semester......... $75.00 For a month................................. 25.00 For a week................................. 6.25 For a day........... |.00

ance is not the only one to which Institute students are subjected. THE TEST OF CLOSE RELATIONSHIP When a group o f students is invited to any church for the purpose o f helping in the ministry of intensified evan­ gelism, the close relationship o f the young people to the pas­ tor affords him ample opportunity for judging fairly the merits o f the messengers. O f one such group of young men, a pastor in Guthrie, Okla., wrote: “ They did fine work. Their testimony is clear and defi­ nite. I am o f the impression that this type of evangelism is greatly needed today and will be more acceptable by the church than any other method that is in common use in our churches today. . . . A factory is known by its product, and you have a perfect right to be proud of these boys. My church will always be open to such young men.” Another pastor, in Martinsville, 111., w rote: “ This letter is sent in appreciation o f the quartet from your school which we had with us for three weeks in special revival meetings. These splendid boys not only proved themselves to be consecrated Christian gentlemen, but also real helpers in the work o f the Master. Through their ser­ vices with us, our young people have taken a new interest. We not only praise God for such young men, but we praise Him also for schools that are preparing and sending out such splendid young people.” Similar comments come from all parts o f the country. With an Institute student to help him, many a discouraged pastor has found his hands suddenly strengthened. And many a community, where no pastor is resident, has expe­ rienced “ times o f refreshing . . . from the presence o f the Lord.” What a ministry for dark days like these! W ill you not have a part in it? Mail the attached coupon today. Dear Friends: June is almost here—and vacation 1 That means that hundreds of students of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles will be ready for a summer in full-time Christian work. If I am to have a part in equipping them for this ministry, I must act TODAY. G I will pray for the Institute daily. □ I enclose $.....................for the continuation of its work.


They That Did the King’s Business Helped the Jews« “And all the princes of the provinces, and the satraps, and the go,per- ; nors, and they that did the king’s bu sin ess, helped the Jews!" E sther 9:3 (R .V .). I F ever in their history the Jews needed your help, they need it now. A Hitler in Germany, a Stalin in Russia, persecution in Poland, bloodshed in Rou- mania— the age-old cry of the Jew pierces the heart o f every true child o f God— Wohin so l Ich g eh en ? Where shall I go? Can you afford, as a born- again follower o f the Lord J e su s Christ, to shut up your bowels o f mercy to that haunting wail ? The old time heathen of Haman’s day, in the hour o f Israel’s distress, helped the Jews! Can you do less than those Godless' heathen did? And do you know a truly better way to help the Jews now than to point them to the only cure for their troubles, the Lord Jesus Christ ? Think it over; then write us. Some day you’ll be glad you did. Our world-wide testimony to Israel is worthy o f your faithful prayers and sym­ pathy. Your help is always needed and a p p r e c ia te d . “ The Chosen People,” loved by Bible students for its helpful in f o rm a t io n on Prophecy and the Jews, is sent to all contributors. May we hear from you?

ï ï h t S i b l e T a m i l # ü t t a ^ i n e Motto: “ Unto him that loved us, and washed us from our sins in his own blood .”—R ev . 1 :5.

Volume XXV

June, 1934

Number 6

TABLE OF CONTENTS J Around the King’s Table— Louis T. Talbot,.............................. :....... 211 Reigning in Life— Ezra S. Gerig............................................................. 213 From the Darkness o f Heathenism to the Radiance o f Faith — B. R. Opper............................-........................ ............ ...................214 The Present Situation in World Jewry--Thomas M. Chalmers..... 216 Walks About Jerusalem— J. A . Huffman............................................218 Girls’ Query Corner—Myrtle E. Scott.................................................221 Bible Institute Family Circle....i................ 222 Helps for Preachers and Teachers— Paul Prichard.........................224 Junior King’s Business—Martha S. Hooker...................................... 225 Our Literature Table............................. 227 International Lesson Commentary................................... 228 Notes on Christian Endeavor— Mary G. Goodner.............. ............ ..236 Daily Devotional Readings...................................................................... 241




TERMS: Single Copies................................................ 15c Annual Subscription.........................................................$1.50 Two-year subscription or two annual subscriptions. 2.50 Five annual subscriptions........; .................................... 5.00 Eleven annual subscriptions.......................................... 10.00 Subscriptions in countries outside of U. S. require 25c extra. REMITTANCE: Should be made by Bank Draft, Ex­ press or P. O. Money Order, payable to "Bible Institute of Los Angeles." Receipts will not be sent for regular subscriptions, but date of expiration will show plainly each month, on outside wrapper or cover of magazine. CHANGE OF ADDRESS: Please send both old and new address at least one month previous to date of de­ sired change.

ADVERTISING: For information with reference to advertising in THE KING'S BUSINESS address the Religious Press Association, 325 North 13th Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, or North American Build­ ing, Chicago, Illinois. Entered as Second Class Matter November 17, 1910, at the Post Office at Los Angeles, California, under the Act of March 3, 1879. Acceptance for mailing at special rate of postage pro­ vided for in Section 1103, Act .of October 3, 1917, authorized October 1,- 1918. MANUSCRIPTS: THE KING’S BUSINESS cannot accept responsibility for loss or damage to manuscripts sent to it for consideration.


31 Throop Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y.

POLICY AS DEFINED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE BIBLE INSTITUTE OF LOS ANGELES (a) To stand for the infallible Word of God and its great fundamental truths, (b) To strengthen the faith of all believers, (c) To stir young men and women to fit themselves for and engage in definite Christian work, (d) To make the Bible Institute of Los Angeles known, (e) To magnify God our Father and the person, work and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ; and to teach the transforming power of the Holy Spirit in our present practical life, (f) To emphasize in strong, constructive messages the great foundations of Christian faith.

Ask for our free booklet “ Jewish Mission Bonds’’

558 So. Hope St., BIBLE INSTITUTE OF LOS ANGELES, Los Angeles, California

B y L ouis T. T albot

Separation, Influence M ID the problems o f today, what a message the study o f the life of Daniel brings to the Lord’s chil­ dren ! The conditions that prevailed in Daniel’s time are very similar to those that are prevailing about us in this Laodicean period. The ruins o f Jerusalem and the broken state of Israel would remind us o f the broken condition and the divisions


The Christian in a State College a n a young person attend a state university with- V > out receiving injury to his spiritual life?” is the problem discussed by a Biola graduate who is now enrolled in a distant state university. And this question is acutely confronting thousands o f Christian graduates from the high schools o f America. Answering his own question, this student continues: After careful observation in the university here, I be­ lieve the question must,- in all fairness; be answered in both the affirmative and the negative: In the affirmative —only when God’s divine will points the individual to a state school. This person will not be harmed; to the contrary, he will be strengthened. On the other hand, in the negative— when God’s plan leads the student to a Christian college or Bible Institute. If such a student is called for the latter type o f training and he refuses to obey, this one will be greatly harmed in a state school. How I am thanking God that He led me to such a school as the Bible Institute of Los Angeles before I began the work in the university— but that was just a part of God’s blue print for my life.

o f the professing church in this day. Looking at the people o f God in the days o f Daniel, one could have seen nothing about them that distinguished them from the surrounding heathen nations. Separation— the characteristic mark o f the chosen nation—was no longer manifest. Their enemies were their conquerors. The reality o f fellowship with God was not there. What a parallel to present-day conditions! How little is the reality o f God known today by the millions who profess His name! But, that we might know how to live in just such times as these, God has given us the record o f the faithful testimony of Daniel. This servant of God lived during the reign o f Nebu­ chadnezzar, Darius, and Cyrus; and during all o f the many years that God permitted him to see, Daniel was a flaming torch o f righteousness and a light in the hand o f God to reveal spiritual truths, to lead even men like Nebuchadnez­ zar to recognize Jehovah as the true God, and to give mar­ velous visions o f the coming o f the King. Daniel was a man o f purpose. He “ purposed in his heart” that he would be separated from the evils o f Babylon, that he might live his life for God. How beautifully this fact is portrayed in the first chapter o f the book o f Daniel! It is well to remem­ ber that Daniel was about seventeen years o f age when he thus set his face against all the evils o f Babylon and the evils o f his nation. The king’s meat that Daniel was ordered to eat had been strangled, as was the custom in Babylon, and thus it was re­ pugnant to a Jew who was desirous of keeping the law of Jehovah. The wine also was an abhorrence because Daniel in all probability had taken the Nazarite vow. ' When he must make a choice between the command of the king and the word o f God, Daniel’s decision was one of unqualified loyalty to God. This was the man who later had unequalled influence with Nebuchadnezzar and Darius. This was the man who was able to stand before these rulers and outline the passing world empires and foretell the es­ tablishment o f Messiah’s kingdom. He was separated unto service for God, and, consequently, he could bring God’s message to the men o f his day. I f we are to exercise an influence for God in these ter­ rific times in which we live— these days o f crime and the influx o f religious cults such as the world has never seen before—we must be separated from the sin o f our day and devoted to the Lord who has sovereign rights over us. Sep­ aration, then usefulness, has always been the order in the spiritual realm. I f we are to be instruments in the hands of God, we must be clean. Before we can ever have enlighten­ ment in spiritual matters, we must be separated men.TSow passing this world i s ! Very soon the age will be at a close. In this day when millions o f professing Christians are fail­ ing the Lord, let us purpose to separate ourselves unto Him and give Him the first place in our lives?! - i - 5 -v ,//o / />■iD

It might be better to restate the question by saying, not, “ Can a young person attend a state school without receiving injury to his spiritual life?” but, “ Should a young person attend a state school ?” In other words, Is it the will of God? This year, we have seen tjpon our campus much which might be cause for great concern to the student trying to live in constant fellow­ ship with our blessed Lord. Distorted presenta­ tions o f the Scriptures have been made r edly in the classroom. One is keenly aware also o f the progress of communistic or­ ganizations and o f their effects upon the students. Especially within the last two or three years have these influences been Mi- f

felt. As several leaders o f these communistic groups have acted as editors or assistant editors on our Daily and other campus publica­ tions, their influence has been es­ pecially noticeable by their use of these papers for advertising and propaganda purposes. Their cam­ pus rallies are continually attract­ ing wider attention. But in the midst o f these condi­ tions on our campus, an interde­ nominational organization o f the Christian students is attempting an effectual witness, by word o f mouth and by life, insisting that “except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom o f God.” This organization began here

(tmuii I •»8__ .»

in 1928, when a few students banded themselves together for prayer. For three years it continued to be a small group, meeting once a week for fellowship in prayer. In 1931, the Lord impressed the group with the need o f its being used in a more aggressive way. Following His lead­ ing, its members sponsored special meetings each week, to which they invited fellow students to hear the way of sal­ vation made clear. The work has expanded until now . meetings are held each day during the noon hour. Through the meetings, we have been enabled to pre­ sent the gospel to between five and eight hundred Students this year, and also to afford a deeper spiritual growth to the fifty Christian students who have been instrumental in the carrying on o f this program. Although many outward attacks have been directed upon the group for the purpose o f destroying its testimony, yet the testimony of the saving and keeping power of our Master in this “mission field” will not cease. Our vision is not limited to a few hundred who have



June, 1934

in God through Christ, God’s a / a .appointed ,wav o f salyation7 3-57*

been reached so far this year, but rather focused upon the seven thousand still unregen­ erated souls, o f whom the Lord said that He “is not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.” We, as a group, seek coopera­ tion through prayer for those “in whom the god o f this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light o f the glorious gospel o f Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them.” Will you pray for us? Let -the people o f God remem­ ber before the throne this Biola graduate, and others like him, whom God has called to witness in the places where the spirit o f anti­ christ is strongly felt. The issue be­ fore American university students is : Christ or communism. Fellowship in Christian Education W riting on the subject of “ Fellowship in Christian o f Wheaton College, Wheaton, 111., tells o f an encouraging develop­ ment in the educational world. First showing the darker side, he com­ ments on the prevalent modern view o f education and its underly­ ing philosophy: In the literature of secular education, it is said that the American people will be com­ pelled to turn for leadership to those who are educated, in or­ der to p r o t e c t themselves against s o c i a l disintegration. Not only this, but also it is em­ phasized that a new society is in the building and only educa­ tion will be sufficient to make that new society what it should be. The prevailing modern em­ phasis is to the effect that edu­ cation can lift man, : making 1 him, by a process of human de­ velopment in which he as an in­ dividual plays the most impor­ tant part under the direction and stimulation of those better trained than himself, to realize fullness and completeness of life through the development o f r innate powers to a level of per­ fection which man has set for himself. In contrast to this evolutionary interpretation, Professor * Eavey. declares: ¡The Christian view is that r/ the revealed Word o f God sets forth the pattern of perfection which God has set for man, >. t and that man- has no power in himself to attain the gofil. Only regeneration through, faith in the atoning merits, o f Christ the Saviour of all men can make man what he ought to be. Man was created for God, and he can find his sufficiency only

Î æ J r E ^ e f b É v â ' t i Î t 3 evangelical Christian faith is con­ sistent with the highest standards o f workmanship, and he is con­ vinced o f the great need for fel­ lowship among the teachers who are standing true to the Lord, some­ times alone, in various institutions of America. He next indicates a constructive program : To meet this need, a group o f teachers and students at Wheaton College organized last June a society named Chi Sig­ ma Theta, Christ the Wisdom of God. The expressed purpose o f this organization is to sup­ port the highest educational ideals and to promote unswerv­ ing allegiance to the fundamen­ tals o f evangelical Christian faith. Chi Sigma Theta existé for the mutual help o f men and women o f recognized profes­ sional ability and training who have had a definite Christian experience and who are en­ gaged in teaching or in the study of education. The na­ tional constitution makes provi­ sion for life membership and for membership at large, thus making it possible for any per­ son engaged in active educa­ tional service to affiliate with the organization. Teachers in colleges and public schools, mis­ sionaries working either at home or abroad, and workers in various phases o f religious edu­ cation who are in harmony with that for which the fraternity Stands, may become members. Professor Eavey is Executive Secretary o f Chi Sigma Theta. He invites inquiry from any who are engaged in work along the lines in­ dicated above. One may sincerely thank God for such leaders o f our young people— for men and women who will stead­ fastly proclaim Christ the Wisdom o f God. A Call to Prayer A gnes S cott K ent , the author o f the beautiful “ Parable ior page, is a graduate o f the Bible In­ stitute o f Los Angeles (class of 1921) and a worker especially among the Lord’s chosen people, Israel. It is hoped that the use of Miss Kent’s contribution in this is­ sue o f the magazine will lead to in­ creased prayer for ..all the Lord’s “ little children” who, in the dark­ ness, await the coming o f their . Loved O n e ; and that it will lead also to intercession for those who know nothing o f “ that blessed hope”—because they know nothing, experimentally, o f saying faith in Jesus Christ.

A Parable for Christians in the Time of the End BY AGN ES SCOTT KENT "I will come again, and receive you unto myself" (John J;4;3)• The little children are in the nursery alone. Fa­ ther has not yet come home. Their hearts are sad and lonely. They look out of the window longingly. It is growing dark. When will Father come? They grow restless and weary. And now they are becoming quarrelsome. Kenneth and Teddy are striking oach other and shouting angrily. Both want to ride the rocking-horse. Each tries to push the other off. Between them, as they struggle fiercely, they quite tear away the horse's lordly mane and tail. Kathryn is sobbing inconsolably. Her beautiful castle of blocks, which all afternoon she has so pa­ tiently and proudly been building for Father— has crashed, and lies a hopeless ruin at her feet. Bobby, in a fit of jealous rage, has knocked it down; Kath­ ryn's castle for Father was more beautiful than his. In a dim corner, poor little Betty, crying piteously, is hugging to her baby heart her broken doll. Oh, when will Father come? The nursery is becoming darker. The children can­ not find the light. Amid the shadows, the rocking- horse,. shorn of his glory, stands out weirdly. The children are shivering and nervous. Oh, why doesn't Father come? Again they cluster at the window. They peer through it anxiously. Outside, the darkness is deep­ ening. There are strange rumblings and other dread­ ful noises. No, they will not be afraid! But why, oh, why doesn't Father come? And then— suddenly— they hear himl His feet are on the threshold! His key is turning in the lock! "Father! Fatherl Father!" With a glad exultant shout, the children bound from the nursery to the doorway. The demolished rocking-horse, the ruined castle, the broken doll— none of these matters now in the least degree. Fa­ ther will mend them all. The door swings open wide. And Father stands there— -radiant and strongl His face is wreathed in joyous smiles. His pockets overflow with gifts. His hands extend in loving invitation. He calls each child by name: "M y precious Baby Betty— my brave lads, Kenneth, Teddy, Bobby— Kathryn darling! Have you all been good today? Cornel Come to Father! Why, you have been cry­ ing! What is wrong? Come! Tell Father all about it! Joyfully they rush upon him . . . . "Fatherl Father! Father!" They engulf him with their kisses. Father opens his arms wide and gathers them in together— every one. With rapturous delight, he presses them to his great father's heart. The little children all are happy now— and quite content. Father has come!

Education,” Professor C. B. Eavey

Christians” which appears on this


June, 1934

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S


BYpE^ c S r

CHRIST/AM k ( r £

T here is a vast difference between oc­ cupying a position o f authority and being under the authority o f another. Every sinner is in a position o f subjection to sin and Satan. The sinner is not in authority; he is under authority. The sinner is not master o f his own life ; he is being mastered by Satan. {The soul that has not experienced the power o f the redeeming grace o f Jesus Christ, is living in enslavement. It is en­ slaved to sin and to sinful tendencies and habits. No sinner is a free man, but a slaveY “ Whosoever committeth sin is the servant / [slave] o f sin,” is the plain statement of the Lord Jesus ( John 8 :34 ). , - y , u F reedom in C hrist J esus . . _ Qi~‘ i A v /* - Butjthe Lord Jesus Christ obtained glo­ rious freedom for every sinneiTTo the same hearers whom He reminded o f the bondage o f sin, Jesus had offered liberty: “ And ye

Emancipator o f souls, who gave His very life to deliver you from sin’s bondage, step into a life o f liberty and joy. E nthronement But there is something still better for the trusting soul, something more glorious than mere freedom. And that superlative opportunity is enthronement—as the Christian reigns as a king in life. It is a wonderful experience to be a son o f God and to enjoy the liberty the Lord Jesus Christ has secured. But it is the right o f every Christian to occupy a throne and to reign in this life. It is a blessed privilege to be the free and unfettered subject o f a gracious king, but it is a greater privilege to be a monarch and in authority. In Romans 5 :17, God’s gracious word comes to His liberated ones: “ For if by one man’s offense death reigned by one; much more they which receive abundance o f grace and o f the gift o f righteousness shall reign in life by one, Jesus Christ.” And this is the privilege o f every believer. Let me ask you, dear Christian, are you reigning in life? Are you not only a free man in Christ, freed from the guilt and penalty o f sin, but also reigning in sovereign power over the enemies within your own life and without it? You may enjoy a reign o f glorious and triumphant power over all the enemies within the sphere o f your little kingdom. Such a reign o f glorious victory is the privilege o f every believer in Christ. The child o f God is not only freed from sin ; he may be a ruling monarch by the grace o f God, and triumph over every besetting foe in his life. There is not the slightest reason why any besetting sin, fleshly lust, or tendency o f self should find any foothold in a redeemed life, or lord it over that soul. The Christian has no right to excuse a single sin or to allow a single tendency o f his fallen nature to bring him into defeat. [Continued on page 220]

shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free” (John 8 :3 2 ). He was not here referring to truth as an ab­ stract fact, but to the truth as summed up in Himself. John 14 :6 makes this personal aspect clear, for there the Lord said: “ I am the way, the truth, and the life.” [Freedom through the truth does not mean that the sinner will obtain freedom from the enthrallment o f sin by mere acceptance o f certain dogmas o f truth, but by the acceptance of the divine Person who is the Truth^ ^When any signer receives Christ as a personal Saviour, he at b iire obtains freedom from the accusing guilt and impending penalty o f sin, and steps into the glorious liberty o f the sons o f God. Our Lord made these facts very clear in stating specifically that it is He, the truth, that makes men fre e : “ I f the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed” (John 8:36, cf. John 14:6 ). When a soul, enslaved by sin, harassed by the cruel tor­ tures o f Satan’s tyrannical rule, receives the Lord Jesus Christ as Saviour, that one becomes free. This glorious liberty has been secured at great cost to God and His Son, but it is offered to man as a free gift. Oh, that needy hearts would now accept pardon from the loving hand o f a gra­ cious God! We have the record in John 8 that, “ As he [Jesus] spake these words, many believed on him”— and thus they obtained this blessed freedom from the enslave­ ment o f sin and Satan. It may be that you who are reading these words have never found this wonderful liberty. If, just now, you will believe on Jesus Christ and by a definite act o f faith receive Him into your life as your own personal Saviour, this glorious freedom will be yours. Remember, Christ secured it for you with the price o f His own life and blood Oh, sinner, do not be a slave any the devil. Do not be under subjection to the archenemy o f your soul another moment. Let Christ, the Liberator of human souls, come into the domain o f your life and set you free from sin, Satan, death, and hell. Spiritual death and darkness have reigned in your life. Now, by simple faith in the great

^Superintendent, Union Gospel Mission.

June, 1934

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

jto From


HEATHENISM to the Radiance o f FAITH “ Where Sin Abounded, Grace Did Much More Abound.” mi ssi oM> s By b r q p p e r * liuxn A Hindupur, AnantapTIr District, India

I t is a far cry from the condition o f the naked little heathen lad who first crept timidly into the circle o f light shed by the lantern o f the Mission night school in his village, to the position he now occupies as pastor o f the largest church in his language area o f the Ceylon and India General Mis­ sion. But as his salvation has been all of grace, so also has been his exaltation to this position. My first contact with this lad, whose heathen name was Naggappa, was about seventeen years ago, when he was nearly thirteen years old. As our train rumbled in­ to the station o f Hindupur where I was to live, a group o f boys ran down the platform, keeping pace with the train till it came to a stop. As we looked out o f the window into their smiling faces, we were greeted with a cordial " Salaam, Sah” from each one of them. One o f these boys, more friendly and helpful than the others, was Naggappa. Not only was he first to get into the train to help us unload our baggage, but he was also the last to leave our rooms after we had ar­ ranged our belongings in our bungalow. This spirit o f helpfulness has characterized all o f Naggappa’s dealings with us since that day. “W here S in A bounded ” Early training counts, whether it be good or bad, and this lad’s environment had been all bad. All his early childhood was spent in idolatry, which his mother taught him, and in which all of his playmates joined. Lying, stealing, and gambling filled his days. His drunken parents taught him to drink the vile “ toddy,” just as they had been taught by their parents before them. With such an example, what was to prevent his becoming a common outcaste drunkard along with the other boys o f his age? And how could he have escaped, in his own strength, from the toils o f Satan and the just punishment of the law ? Impossible! To *Missionary of the Ceylon and India General Mission, on furlough at Newton Falls, Ohio.

have seen him crawling out o f the dingy, foul-smelling hovel which he called hortie, and to have known anything about his up­ bringing and his environment, would have compelled any one to prophesy that Nag­ gappa was destined to grow up to be just like the moral wrecks who lived all about him in that outcaste village. One has to dip his brush in midnight hues if he would faithfully picture the back­ ground o f Naggappa’s early life. When the biting, strangling smoke from the cow dung fire, over which the family’s food was be­ ing cooked, forced Naggappa outdoors and he was able to open his smarting eyes, it was to look upon strings and strings o f pu­ trid meat hung up- in front o f the house to dry. Near at hand were green hides stretched upon the ground and filling the air with a sickening odor that would nauseate one less accustomed to such surroundings. Into their mud hut staggered the drunken father and mother each evening, carrying with them a gourdful o f toddy, which they had brought from the toddy shop on their way home from work. And woe betide the child that aroused the ire o f either parent by so much as being in the w a y ! Blows and curses were the lot o f any such luckless one, either in this hut or in any o f the others in the outcaste quarters o f the town. The very atmosphere o f the children’s surround­ ings was heavy with ignorance, injustice, ■oppression, drunkenness, and murder— to say nothing o f the unnameable sensuality and bestiality practiced in that wicked sec­ tion o f the town. Words fail one who at­ tempts to describe in chaste language the lives o f these outcaste people. One finds the whole community degenerating swiftly into the image o f the devil, who holds abso­ lute sway over the lives o f the people. Nothing but the mighty power o f God can bring anything good out of such ungodly surroundings. A N ew I nterest The background o f little Naggappa was like that o f many another heathen boy. But


June, 1934

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clean, wholesome truths learned from their books! Little Naggappa had never thought o f his home ^s being dark and filthy till he had spent a day in.the bright schoolroom; and then when He came back home at night, the contrast dawned upon him. He longed to be permitted to live in the Mission boarding home, like some o f the boys who attended the school, so that he might be in those at­ tractive, happy surroundings all the time— but that delight seemed such a remote pos­ sibility that he dared not think o f it. The missionaries noticed the eager face o f this lad and wished they might give him the benefits which the boarding home a f­ forded. But the father would not consent to letting his boy go there, and threatened to take him out o f school. In his better moments, Naggappa’s fa­ ther did have some love for his oldest son ; and as he saw him growing up, naked and undernourished, and as he compared him with the boys in the boarding home, he se­ cretly wished that his boy might have those privileges, too. But a nameless fear haunted him at the thought o f his boy’s becoming a Christian and thus disgracing the family in the eyes o f their heathen neighbors. Under the pressure, o f famine, however, the father threw away his scruples and permitted Naggappa to go to the boarding home. This

one day a new world opened to him. A t­ tracted by the sound o f a Christian hymn sung by the night-school teacher in his vil­ lage, the lad, in curiosity, turned a corner in the narrow, crooked street. He saw be­ fore him a kindly faced Indian man, seated on a mat, with a lighted lantern before him on the ground. The hymn was strange and new to the boy. Perhaps his first impulse was to run away, but he was soon seated with some o f his playmates before this teacher, repeating the words o f this new hymn. Though he did not then realize the sig­ nificance o f his act, when Naggappa turned the corner in the street that night, he also turned a corner in his life. From that time on, he was to feel the upward pull o f God’s Spirit. The night-school teacher came faith­ fully every night to teach the children. But one by one, the boys became tired o f sitting still for an hour at a time and learning the names o f queer-looking marks called let­ ters, and they dropped out o f the school. But not Naggappa! He was determined to learn to read, and he made such progress that the teacher asked him whether he would like to come to the Mission’s day school. Naggappa was eager to come, but his father would not give his consent, for the boy would not be able to help the father

was another glad day in the life o f this little heathen lad. A N ew B irth It was the work o f a brief half hour for the mis- ;sionaries?to give Naggappa a hair cut, a bath, and the first suit o f clothes he had ever worn. And oh, what a change that brief labor made in his appearance! Proper food and care soon made a great change in the boy’s health, and his scrawny little body began to develop. Un­ der the teaching in school and the Bible teaching and prayer conducted in the boarding home each morn­ ing and evening, his mind and heart were likewise de­ veloping. It was not long till he realized that Jesus Christ, the One whom some o f the other boys owned as Sav­

herd the cattle for the townspeople. And besides, was it not reported that the Mission people compelled the children attending their school to become Chris­ tians ? A son’s departure from the traditional reli­ gious beliefs, o f his ances­ tors would be such a terrible disgrace that the father would never hear the end of the matter. No, Naggappa should never go to the Mis-, sion school! However, as the lad continued to attend the night school and was now able to read, even the father took some pride in the fact that his son was forging ahead o f the other lads. And, as the boy continued to beg his father to permit him to enter the day school, the fa­ ther’s consent was finally gained. A N ew W orld

A heathen boy in India wears his hair in a knot at the back of the head. When he makes an open break with the old life and becomes a Christian, his hair is shorn— and the new headdress becomes a testimony for Christ.

iour, was his Saviour, too. When he became a new creature in Christ, he felt it was no longer right for him to be called Naggappa, for the heathen snake god. The mission­ aries gladly agreed, and from that time on, they called him Joseph. Having seen some o f the other boys pub­ licly confess their faith in Christ in bap­ tism, Joseph also desired baptism. But he was not yet sixteen years of age, and British law does not permit the baptism o f minors without their parents’ consent. W e told [Continued on page 219]

It was a red-letter day in the life o f this little fellow, when for the first time he en­ tered the Mission school, there to be under the influence o f Christian teachers and to mingle with Christian boys. What a change from the dingy, cramped, smoky, foul- smelling hut he called home, to the airy, well-lighted, clean schoolroom! And what a difference between the quarreling, the curs­ ing, and the vile language heard at home, and the singing o f Christian hymns, the re­ peating o f Bible verses, and the reciting o f

June, 1934


T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

/ The Tresent Situation in WorldJewry B y THOMAS M. CHALMERS New York, N. Y.

o f which points to a combination o f atheistic nations to fight the Most High. Russia has set the pace, and Germany seems preparing to follow. This conspiracy against God will center in due time on the covenant people, and the Jews o f the whole world will suffetT] t-s 7, i t It is ominous that hatred o f the Jew is manifesting itself more and more in many lands. This enmity is growing in the United States, in Canada, and in Great Britain. The Protocols of the Wise Men of Zion are being widely circu­ lated in our land, and they feed the rising spirit against the Jews. It is not possible to trace their origin to the Jews. N o one knows how these documents came into ex­ istence, but it is certain they did not arise out o f any Jewish conspiracy. The many origins ascribed for them contradict a Jewish source. He who seeks to disseminate the Protocols for the purpose o f stirring up hatred against the Jews, is doing for our country a distinct disservice, though he may feel he is performing a patriotic duty. fW e may rest assured that Satan, in his determination to rid the earth o f the Jews, will employ every weapon calculated to stir up opposition to themj using"the Protocols, and he will use them to the very^eno. Another weapon he will not fail to use is the Blood Accusation, namely, the charge that the Jews require the blood o f

[The author, who is the Director o f t,he New York Jewish Mission, has been ministering to the Lord’s chosen people in cities o f America for many years. In their service in the Mission since its organisation in 1908, Mr. and Mrs. Chalmers have seen the work grow to include many departments at the Mission home, 56 Second Ave., New York, N. Y. Their son-in-law, Frederick A. Aston, is at work among the Jewish students at Columbia Uni­ versity—a group whose evangelisation is of immense importance because these young people will be leaders in the future. Mr. Aston has written an excellent tract on Isaiah 53, “A Challenge to Every Jew.” The Mission has printed 20,000 copies which may be had singly for the asking .— E ditor .] YT’XTT orld Jewry and the world in general stood aghast L W when the Hitler eruption suddenly burst upon the affrighted Jews o f Germany early in 193^J. The German Jews had been so secure, so much a part o f trie 'Germany6’ o f art and science, and had contributed so much to that vast development o f industrial and cultured life, that no one would have suspected that any such upheaval was pos­ sible. Yet it came. Many thousands o f Jews were up­ rooted from their German ancestral soil. More than nine thousand have gone to Palestine, and some fifty thousand more have sought refuge in other lands.

Is I t the B eginning of the E n d ? the G erm an

C h ris tia n ch ild r e n in the making o f Pass- over cakes. According to a report in the American Hebrew, in­ struction con cern ing this libel on the Jews is now given in the pub­ lic schools o f Berlin and Hamburg and will soon be included in the c u r r ic u lu m o f the schools in other Ger­ man cities. This par­ ticular defamation o f Israel is one o f the chief subjects o f in­ struction in the special courses on the Jewish problem. Shades o f P r o f e s s o r Delitzsch, Dr. Strack, and others, who w r o t e w ith all t h e s t r e n g t h o f their s ch o la r sh ip to d is p r o v e th is v ile

I f

Jews, nearly 600,000 strong, German to the core and interwoven by social, commercial, and political assimila­ tion with the whole life o f the Fatherland, could be so completely severed from that life, what may not happen to the Jews in all other places o f the earth ? Will the nations com­ bine to drive them to u tte r d e s t r u c t io n ? D oes G o d ’s W o r d speak on this problem ? It is remarkable that two Psalms, the Second and the Eigh­ ty-Third, report a con- s p ira cy a g a in s t the Lord’s two anointed ones. The kings of the earth unite against

Courtesy of A. F. Futterer, Palestine Explorer Center: Old System of Conduction of Jerusalem's Water Supply. Four Views: The Ain Forah Springs Which Supply Jerusalem with Water.

calumny! These staunch d e fe n d e r s o f the J ew s against this blood libel should turn over in their graves when this devilish accusation defiles the good name o f Germany. What debauching o f young minds in order

the personal Messiah, the Lord Jesus, and this at each of His two comings, as predicted in the Second Psalm. [Ten peoples are predicted in Psalm 83 as joining against the national anointed one, Israel. The ten peoples listed in

this psalm foreshadow the ten nations o f the coming r e ^ ^ o steel them against the Jews! /S in c e J j^ q has advanced vived Roman Empire^ They conspire and say concerning^^o far in his murderous campaign,


June, 1934

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

With the introduc­ tion o f im p r o v e d breeds o f cattle and sheep, the development o f olive culture, the exploitation o f the vast chemical wealth o f the Dead Sea, and the f o u n d in g — by the Jews— o f hundreds of as yet small industries since the riots in 1929, Palestine is revealing such industrial, agri­ cultural, social, and ed­ ucational advance as would do credit to many another land. All this activity is a prep­ aration for the time when Palestine, recog­ nized by the Anti­ christ, will take her place among the na­ tions o f the earth as

chosen people, but that after a sharp trial, the great tribulation, Is­ rael would be deliv­ ered, and the days o f Messiah’s reign would see Israel enjoying all the blessings o f re- demptionjj Z ionism and P ales ­ tine One o f the most re­ markable transforma­ tions in current history is the Jewish return to Palestine. The first settlements were made in 1882, with an al­ most constant increase o f new s e ttlem e n ts down to the present time, when 120 col­ onies are now estab­ lished in the Holy


Courtesy of A. F. Futterer Modern Jewish Colonization Settlements Seen from the Range of Mountains Toward Nazareth

the Jewish State, and God will begin to reckon time again for Israel with the seventieth week o f Daniel’s great prophecy. It is quite significant in this connection that [Mussolini, in fine contract to Hitler, is showing much friendship for the Jews. He has appointed some o f them to high office in Italy. He lately founded a Chair o f the Romance Languages, especially o f Italian and Italian Lit­ erature, in the Hebrew University at Jerusalem. As the possibly almost immediate predecessor o f the Antichrist, as some believe, he is preparing the way for the Antichrist’s future dealings with the Jews o f Palestine^ t ~&x 7 C ompleting the J ewish R emnant Almost throughout the history o f Israel as a nation, from the days o f Elijah onward, there has existed in the midst o f the apostate people a remnant that has followed the Lord and received blessing from Him. Paul wrote about the existence o f this remnant in the present church dispensation (Rom . 11:5 ). One great purpose o f the preaching o f the gospel to the Jews, according to a com­ mittee o f the Convocation o f Canterbury, reporting in 1898, is to gather out this remnant. The present activity o f Jewish missions is doing much toward leading many Jews into faith in Jesus Christ. For many centuries after the time o f Constantine, the Jews were neglected. Then with the eighteenth century, various individual witnesses sought out the Jews. Stephan Schultz and his companions led more than a thousand Jews to Christ., In the nineteenth century, according to de la Roi, in his three-volume History of Jewish Missions, 204,541 Jews were baptized, while in the present century still larger numbers o f Jews are accept­ ing Jesus the Nazarene as their Messiah and Saviour. Since the Armistice alone, 90,000 Jews in Hungary have con­ fessed Christ. In all parts of the world are found Jews hungry for the truth o f salvation. Thus the remnant is being swiftly completed for the time when the Lord shall descend and gather His own to Himself. What About Modem Young People? On the inside front cover o f this issue o f the magazine, and on the page opposite the cover, there are interesting facts that you will not wish to overlook. If you have not already read them, please turn to these pages now.

Land. The present Jewish population in the land is about 225,000. Intensive agriculture and gardening are reviving the fertility o f the soil after the neglect o f centuries. Citrus culture is carried on by both Arabs and Jews. The area capable o f orange production runs to about 100,000 acres. The export o f oranges in the last season ran to 4,250,000 cases, o f seventy pounds each. The chief market for the Palestinian orange, said to be the best orange in the world, is found in Great Britain and Poland. When fully devel­ oped, the little land o f Palestine will furnish 40,000,000 cases annually, a total which compares with the 35,000,000 cases now produced in the United States each year. It is one of the finest feats o f the new Palestine trans­ formation that the deadly swamps have been drained and made healthful regions. Where the Arabs said that not even a bird could live in the swamps o f Esdraelon, there are now flourishing settlements, lighted by electricity furnished from the water power o f the Jabbok. The Arab villagers in the Valley o f Jezreel found the swampy region too un- healthful for them, and therefore moved to the hilltops on each side. The Jewish pioneers moved in and drained the swamps, and now one may see there many flourishing col­ onies. The eucalyptus tree was introduced from North Australia by the Jews in 1886, and its planting has trans­ formed the swamps, since the tree drinks up water and thus has dried the swampy regions. The eucalyptus is also an abomination to the mosquito. Thus the causes of f evers have been removed, and malaria is now almost unknown in Palestine. Isaiah foresaw this transformation and pre­ dicted the planting of the eucalyptus, a branch o f the myrtle fam ily: “ Instead o f the brier shall come up the myrtle tree” (Isa. 55:13). The Palestinian government is at last solving the prob­ lem o f a water supply for Jerusalem. Another recent de­ velopment is the necessary provision for fuel; a pipe line is being laid down across the desert to bring oil from the rich Mosul fields in northern Iraq, 620 miles, to Haifa. A railway is also being built alongside, which will soon be completed and will open the highway connection between Egypt and Assyria, predicted by Isaiah (Isa. 19 :23). The British government completed last year the new harbor at Haifa, which, with the railway and the oil line, will aid immensely in making Haifa the chief port, aside from Marseilles, o f the entire Mediterranean.

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