King's Business - 1934-06


June, 1934

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

know nothing o f an enthroned life. Victory and spiritual conquest are foreign to them. But, thank God, “ they which receive abundance o f grace and o f the gift o f righteousness” reign in life. Theirs is a life o f victory. The flesh is yielded to Calvary. Self is nailed to the cross. The victory o f the cross is their weapon for daily triumph over sin, the world, the flesh, and the devil. Theirs is a throne-life. They are kings. They share the glorious power and victory o f the resurrected, glorified Son o f God. They follow in His train. Are you reigning in life ?

have shrunk their powers o f reception by taking small measures o f grace, just enough to escape hell and finally ob­ tain entrance to heaven by the most meager margin. They feel they must have their fleshly appetites gratified. They must be allowed to play with the tawdry tinsel o f the world’s pleasures. They must have the privilege o f giving way to the flesh when things go wrong. They must not be­ come too religious, or it might mean a change in business tactics. Oh, y e s ! They are saved, and they know it. They have chapter and verse for it. But they grovel along in the dust and dirt o f worldliness and spiritual sickliness. They

Çirls’ QUERY CORNER C o n d u c t e d , & y ' M y r t l e E. S c o t t

Questions for answer in this corner should b e s e n t t o Mi ss Scott, 8961 D i c k s Street,W. Hollywood, California. No name will be p u b l i s h e d .

Dear Miss Scott: I am a senior girl in high school and at present feel my need o f a Saviour. I have talked to a minister here several times, but I do not seem to get any satisfaction. I have made several confessions, but it is not long until I am in the same old tracks again. There is not a desire to read God’s Word, pray, attend church. Other books are more attractive than the Bible. I am really in earnest, and I want to know the truth concerning this matter.— M .A .R . Dear M. A . R .: I praised God when I read your letter, for when we realize our need o f God and truly seek Him, we' know we are not far from Him. “ Thou shalt find him, if thou seek him with all thy heart and with all thy soul” (Deut. 4 :2 9 ). T o become a new creature in Christ Jesus is a very simple matter. It is not dependent upon something we do, but upon something which Christ has done ft>r us. Take your Bible and read John 3 :16, and remember that “ who­ soever” includes you. John 1:12 will show you that to be­ lieve on the Lord Jesus is to accept Him, to receive Him into your heart. In other words,{jt is just a matter o f taking a gift that He is offering to you, a gift which He is longing to have you receive. The Lord Jesus Christ loved you so much that He died on the cross in order that “ through his name whosoever believeth in him shall receive remission o f sins” (Acts 10 :43)TJ i~o > ' Now read John 5:24 and realize the possession that is yours as soon as you accept the Lord Jesus. |Do you be­ lieve what God says here? Then, get on your knees and tell the Lord Jesus that you do receive Him, and thank Him Tor the gift o f salvation. Never mind if you do not feel any different than before you accepted Christ. The “ feeling” will come in time, but you must first take God at His word!} An experience based on feeling is likely to be merely ^n6^nio(ronai e>^)ferience which will not last. It is your privilege to have an enduring satisfaction, the result o f childlike trust in God’s Word. Next,¿read Romans 10:9-11. This passage will show you how essential it is to confess Christ as your Saviour before the warId. Do-not lose »an opportunity to witness for H im i^ i^cn a word for your Lord, in obedience to Him, your faith will be strengthened, and Christ will become more real to youJ /^6 I / nb / C' * Begin your daily Bible reading with the Gospel o f John. I f the Word does not seem attractive to you at first, keep

on reading it anyhow. Persist in daily Bible study and prayer, for by these means you will grow in grace. Remem­ ber, too, that Satan will try hard to keep you away from all that will bring you close to God. Each time you read, pray that God will give you an understanding heart, and that the Holy Spirit will guide you into all truth (John 16:13). It was the Holy Spirit who led you to desire to be a Chris­ tian, and He will illuminate your mind, so that you can un­ derstand the Word. “ And this is life eternal, that they might know thee, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent.” Read this verse for yourself in John 17 :3. You learn to love your earthly friends as you talk with them and get to really know them. You will learn to love your Saviour in the same way. “ Draw nigh to God, and he will draw nigh to you” (Jas. 4 :8 ). Be quick and eager to obey H im ; and if you fail Him in any way, hasten to Him to confess your fault and claim His promise in 1 John 1 :9. As you learn to really know the Lord Jesus Christ, you will love Him so much that your great delight will be to have fellowship with Him and His people. Do write and tell me that you are the Lord’s and He is yours through your acceptance and confession o f Him. If you care to send me your name, I shall be glad to mail you some helpful literature. I am praying for you.

EARTHQUAKES IN THE LIGHT OF PROPHECY According to the present plan, the general subject of earthquakes in their relation to the fulfillment of the Word of God will be treated in a gripping article by Louis S. Bauman, in the July King’s Business. Because of a particularly crowded schedule of meetings, Dr. Bauman was unable to contribute the material for his department this month, but, the Lord willing, he will resume his writing in thé next issue.

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