King's Business - 1934-06

June, 1934

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S



The book is an outgrowth o f the author’s long experience of contact with great num, bers o f churches. It will prove exceedingly useful to the ministerial student and to the young pastor. 96 pages. Revell Co. Cloth. Price $1.00. Quiet Talks on the New Order of Things B y S. D. G ordon In these days when so many Christians are breaking away ffom the ancient moor­ ings, it is refreshing to find one who de­ clares his increasing conviction o f the trustworthiness of the divine revelation. In his own unique way, Mr. Gordon deals, in Jour chapters, with the new order o f things. He heads his first chapter, “ The New Or­ der of Things PERSONALLY For Every One Who Wills,” and shows how the new order prevails in the life o f the individual, when one accepts Jesus Christ as his per­ sonal Saviour, when one receives thé Holy Spirit in His fullness, when one learns to obey intelligently, when one learns to pray simply. In his second chapter, the author deals with “The New Order o f Things RA ­ CIALLY.” Under this heading, he refers to the dependability o f the Word o f God, giving suggestions as to how to get the story of the Book and how to master it, so that through it one may discover the di­ vine program. In his third chapter, Mr. Gordon depicts “ The BREAKDOWN o f the Present Or­ der of Things.” He points to the unsettled condition of affairs in this world as a Sig­ nal which indicates the coming world crises. In chapter four, the writer discusses the question o f “The Present Troublous World Outlook and the Outcome.” With keen spiritual insight, he analyzes “the religious condition,” “the moral outlook under world touches,” “thé educational outlook,” “the economic outlook,” “the political outlook,” With fine discrimination, he alludes to the position o f the Jew in history, declaring that “the Jew is peculiarly God’s index finger pointing to the breakdown o f thé old order o f things and the beginning o f a new order of things.” Like other “ Quiet Talks” by the same author, this volume breathes the spirit of one who, in prayerful obedience to his Lord, is looking for the revealing o f God’s plan through His W ofd. 196 pages. Revell Co. Cloth. Price $1.25. When Roger was out at camp with fine Christian leaders, it was easy to decide for Christ and live for Him. But when he returned to school, it was a different mat­ ter entirely. For a year, he furled his Chris­ tian flag and kept his decision a secret from his classmates. But finally he became ashamed o f himself and stood true to his Saviour in spite o f bitter opposition from those he had called his friends. The book is a splendid one for junior on intermediate boys. 96 pages. Pickering & Inglis. Cloth. Price 50 cents. The Furled Flag B y W inifred R awlings

Critical Reviews B y B enjamin B. W arfield

Dr. Warfield was a man o f almost cyclo­ pedic knowledge. He also possessed to a remarkable degree the power to analyze and discriminate, which enabled him to de­ tect the false and illogical in current the­ ological teaching with a success not given to many scholars o f his day. His book re­ views were for that reason accounted of great value. Forty-seven o f the most im­ portant reviews that appeared in various, periodicals are 'gathered together in this* volume. They cover a wide range of topics which are o f perennial interest, and the vol­ ume will therefore be useful for a long time to come. 483 pages. Oxford Univer­ sity Press. Cloth. Price $3.00. The question, “What’s next?” is today upon the lips of many who see God’s Word being fulfilled. In his book, the author has refrained from the employment of any method o f a sensational nature. He has confined himself to the use of authenti­ cated facts related to the Scriptures. The book begins with a brief outline of each of the seven dispensations. There is a chap­ ter on “ The Jew”-—his place in the plan o f God and the place which he occupies in the world today. Other chapters deal with “ The Antichrist/’ “The Signs o f the Times,” and “The Tribulation.” Pastors who are interested in the study of prophecy will find this volume of facts and figures a useful reference book—particularly with regard to the outstanding events o f scrip­ tural significance, which have occurred during the past few years. 157 pages. Thomas Wyatt, Aurora, Nebr. Paper. Price 85 cents. After setting forth the primary duties and responsibilities of a pastor, Dr. Agar deals with the present situation in the re­ ligious life o f our nation, pointing out the . failure of many churches to accomplish the task which is distinctively theirs. He then shows how this very condition creates a tre­ mendous opportunity for the pastor who is a real church leader. In a very brief and helpful way, he discusses the characteris­ tics o f a minister and also the duties per­ taining to his office. One chapter is given to the study o f the duties and the presen­ tation of a workable program for the pas­ tor in his local church. When he deals with the subject of mem­ bership, Dr. Agar gives helpful sugges­ tions regarding the proper absorption and development of the groups that are con­ stantly being received into the fellowship o f the church. The closing chapters deal with such matters as the coordination of the work o f the entire church, the various organizations pertaining to the church, proper financing, the coordination o f the church and the church school for purposes o f evangelism, and practical opportunities that are constantly being presented. What’* Next B y T homas W yatt The Minister and His Opportunity B y F rederick A gar

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