King's Business - 1934-06

BiolaYoung People __ a“Gracious Help” A pastor’s opinion is always significant. The ques­ tion may be asked : What do ministers o f the gospel say about students o f the Bible Institute o f Los Angeles? When Rev. M. G. Nelson wrote the letter which appears on the opposite page, he offered not only his own opinion, but he voiced the thought o f many other pastors as well, when he said that a Bible Institute student was a “ gra­ cious help.” THE TEST OF LONG ACQUAINTANCE The pastor in Canoga Park, Calif., had opportunity to watch for several years the development o f the young man o f whom he’ wrote. As a lad, this young man had attended the church, showing the adolescent’s usual intermittent interest in its affairs. He was ready for college when an event occurred which influenced the whole course o f his life. Two graduates o f the Bible Institute of Los Angeles came to that community to hold a fortnight’s special meet­ ings. As a result o f their confident, scriptural testimony, and the demonstration o f the sheer and abiding joy that comes from yielding to the Lord Jesus Christ, many were stirred to action-—the Word that had been long sown by a faithful pastor, watered oftentimes with tears, began to bear fruit. “ He that soweth and he that reapeth may rejoice together.” Following those meetings, the pastor watched his young people grow— one in particular; he saw that they were hun­ gry for the W ord ; he helped them in the weekly study of it in his own home. The young man o f whom he later wrote went away for' a year at college, only to return, restless and depressed, com­ plaining that he felt utterly starved, spiritually. In this crisis, he sought his pastor’s counsel. The minister sug­ gested the Bible Institute of Los Angeles. But it was not so much the advice o f the beloved pastor as it was the voice o f God through His Word that caused .this young man to take the decisive step, away from his selfrchosen course, into the path o f life service for Christ. As an Institute student, he returned each Sunday to his home church. He had never before taught a Sunday-school class'. Now he not only held the interest o f sixteen- and seventeen-year-old boys, but he helped some o f them to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. Further, he organized a junior church, and for some time was in charge o f its worship services. During all this time, the young man was being con­ stantly observed by his pastor, who wrote o f him in sin­ cerity: “ Since his attendance at the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, I have noticed a deepening of his spiritual life and a far greater facility in handling the Bible. He does much more effective work with our young people than formerly and is greatly respected by them.” A gracious ministry! flow is it made possible ? With almost breath-taking beauty, the secret was unfolded in the Canoga Park incident. In this case, the central figure was the pastor. A s the counsellor of youth, he watched with intense interest the development o f the one who, in obedi­ ence to Christ’s call, was in training for His service—and the pastor judged the school by the product in his parish. As the comforter o f the needy, there came one day to this minister a revealing request. Not until then was it known that to at least three individuals had the Lord spoken— to the young man, calling him into Christian service; to the pastor, encouraging him in his task; and to.a frail little woman, a member o f that church, who, through material gift, would have a part in this ministry o f spiritual help­ fulness. Soon after His whispered word to her heart, to

which she sweet­ ly responded, the donor w a s “ at h o m e with the Lord.” In the will of G o d , e a c h o f these three— His ch ild r e n — was re la ted to t h e others. In their united obedience to Christ, there is found an exam­ ple o f the method by which it has pleased G o d to c o n t i n u e the work o f the In­ stitute year after year. But the test of l o n g acquaint-

Four Bible Institute Students— the Executive Commi t t ee of the Graduating Class of June, 1934. Such young people as these—hundreds of them—are ready to allow God to make them a “gracious help.” Will you have a part in their service by helping to meet the cost of training one or more students? For a semester......... $75.00 For a month................................. 25.00 For a week................................. 6.25 For a day........... |.00

ance is not the only one to which Institute students are subjected. THE TEST OF CLOSE RELATIONSHIP When a group o f students is invited to any church for the purpose o f helping in the ministry of intensified evan­ gelism, the close relationship o f the young people to the pas­ tor affords him ample opportunity for judging fairly the merits o f the messengers. O f one such group of young men, a pastor in Guthrie, Okla., wrote: “ They did fine work. Their testimony is clear and defi­ nite. I am o f the impression that this type of evangelism is greatly needed today and will be more acceptable by the church than any other method that is in common use in our churches today. . . . A factory is known by its product, and you have a perfect right to be proud of these boys. My church will always be open to such young men.” Another pastor, in Martinsville, 111., w rote: “ This letter is sent in appreciation o f the quartet from your school which we had with us for three weeks in special revival meetings. These splendid boys not only proved themselves to be consecrated Christian gentlemen, but also real helpers in the work o f the Master. Through their ser­ vices with us, our young people have taken a new interest. We not only praise God for such young men, but we praise Him also for schools that are preparing and sending out such splendid young people.” Similar comments come from all parts o f the country. With an Institute student to help him, many a discouraged pastor has found his hands suddenly strengthened. And many a community, where no pastor is resident, has expe­ rienced “ times o f refreshing . . . from the presence o f the Lord.” What a ministry for dark days like these! W ill you not have a part in it? Mail the attached coupon today. Dear Friends: June is almost here—and vacation 1 That means that hundreds of students of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles will be ready for a summer in full-time Christian work. If I am to have a part in equipping them for this ministry, I must act TODAY. G I will pray for the Institute daily. □ I enclose $.....................for the continuation of its work.


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